Chapter 32 | Smile Often

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I was almost ready when my house bell rang. I looked at myself for the last time in mirror and went to open the door.

Ronit was standing next to his bike, his arms crossed. "Surprise."

"What the fudge. We decided to meet at Starbucks, CP. Why are you here?", I asked.

"I wanted to pick you up so that you don't go there alone", he smiled.

"And you brought Kella too", I added.

"You!", he sounded irritated. "She is Bella. B for Bella."

I laughed a little,"Ya Bella."

"Thankyou for wearing red", he gritted ear to ear.

"But I don't think this colour is red", I looked at my pink and blue jump suit.

"But below it, you have wear red", he smiled naughtily. Is he mastered in checking what I wear inside?

"How? How..did you know ?", I asked suspecting.

"It's visible", he said pointing at my shoulders. Oh, he is right. I quickly went in and pushed the strips inside. You're stupid Advika.

"Come on. Let's go", he shouted.

"Coming", I applied a little lipstick, slung my backpack across my shoulders and stepped out.

"Thank-you for wearing red", he said.

"Shut up", I said embarrassed.

"I was talking about your lipstick", he smiled again. He is a good viewer. He notices every single thing. But I could only see his smile. Violins were playing at the background. I could feel everything going in slow motion. His smile is so beautiful.

"You should smile often. It looks good on you", I smiled at seeing his face. He is  indeed handsome.

He smiled again,"Thankyou."

I sat behind him on his bike and he inserted his key in it. The whole ride from my home to CP was so much fun. Both of us couldn't brush away the smiles from our face.

We were passing by a truck and a stupid idea popped in my head. I took out a coke bottle from the truck, removed its cap and drank it. The froth of the coke was flying in the air. Ronit was laughing happily on my stupidity.

I made him stop infront of the Signature Bridge. "What now?", he asked.

"Stand still", I made him turn towards the bridge and took out a pen from my bag. I drew the structure of bridge behind his shirt. For the first time he didn't scold me but liked what I was doing.

"Come on! I will click your photos", I asked him to pose.

His poses were so bad so instead of clicking his pictures, I clicked mine. He came smiling to look at his pictures. I gave him his phone. He stared at me blankly and I sticked my tongue out to him. He laughed.

Out of nowhere he asked,"Have you even been to this bridge before?"

"Why do you ask? I should be the one asking what were you doing here when it was raining? How did you know I was here?", I always wanted to ask this but I forgot to.

"I keep coming here whenever my mood is off. I didn't know you were here that day too. I recognized you from your back side", he said.

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