Chapter 39 | Dear Boyfriend

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So are you coming over my place?

For what?

Your wishlist.

Oh that. But what are we gonna do?

Come and see :)

So today is the first Sunday of November? How can I forget yesterday on his birthday, it was Saturday. To see a morning text by him makes me fall more for him. He wants to fulfill my wishes. So cute.

Once I reached his house, I rang the door bell. The door opened and...

Rose petals fell on me. God! Why's he so so so so so romantic and cute and sexy and hot and cool and every adjective of English.

He smiled at me and stretched his hand forward so that I can hold it and walk like a queen,"Welcome girlfriend."

"This wasn't in my wishlist though", I held his extended hand.

"I know, right?", he smiled.

"Why do you keep smiling like that always huh?", I asked.

"Because someone said me once smile often. Why? You don't like it?", he pretended to be hurt.

"Ofcourse I don't. It makes my heart flutter."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. It was better when you were that angry bird."

"Come on, that angry bird looks must have made your heart flutter too."

He is right though. Him in anger or consideration make no difference because every time my heart starts beating more, more and more fast.

"So what's the plan for today?"

"Follow me to my bed room."

"Are you? Are you going to take advantage of me now that I am your girl friend", I left his hand and moved back a little.

He laughed,"You are really a single piece."

"Single piece? You want me to be in a single piece bikini?", I asked not understanding what he means.

"I won't mind though", he but his lower lip.

I followed him to his room. The lights were off and only the TV was switched on. Video games? Isn't it?

"Video games?", I asked excitedly.

He nodded,"Shoud I bring popcorn. I am hungry."

"Popcorn? Have you lost it ? How will you play then?", I asked.

"I am very very much sane. Trust me. I will be back." I nodded at him. Let's see how much sane he is.

Till when he returns I should bring my bag from downstairs. My phone is in it.

I was back in his room and he was already playing the videogames. Popcorn? A laugh left my mouth to see the sight of him hanging a red handkerchief full of Popcorn on his neck.

I threw the bag away and took a seat next to him.

He is so good in it. He has won over me for the 34th time. Out of frustration I looked at him and then pushed up the handkerchief full of Popcorn so that it can hit his mouth and luckily it did hit him.

56th match. Yes the 56th match ended with his win and my lose.

No I can't lose this one. I covered his eyes with my hands so that he cannot see the screen but still nothing happened and..

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