Chapter 4 | Reunion with R.K

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As soon as I entered the college, I ran straight to my class and sat next to Zara.She gave me a high- five. We both wasted our time chatting as usual. The professor saw us chatting and scolded us for being so inattentive. As a punishment we were sent out of the class.

Once we were out of the classroom. Zara looked at me so intensely that a laugh left my mouth. She also started laughing. Then we both kept on laughing just by seeing each other's face. Literally I still can't understand what was the reason of us laughing. It was hurting my stomach. But I couldn't control my laughter. Neither she could.

I decided to break it by questioning ,"Wasn't your brother about to come today?"

"Yeah he was about to come today. But I haven't seen him anywhere."

"Don't you both live together?"

"Yeah we do. But after getting suspended, father sent him to Shimla so that his mind cools down and he don't do all the mischieves in college anymore. He is 2nd year while I am freshman. I haven't seen him in a while."

I could only reply with a 'Ohh'.

The bell rang and we were attending our next classes. But out of no where a fuss was created. Everyone ran out of their seats. As Zara and I wanted to see what was happening we went out of the class too. The professor was so angry about everyone leaving the class so he also packed his stuff. An I-do-not-care expression was visible on his face.

I pushed the crowd and managed to move forward in the little inches of space. But my trials went in vain because I was pushed back again by their force.

I stood on my toes in order to see what was happening but unfortunately couldn't see anything.  Then I heard voices of them. Seems like 2 boys were talking.

Boy 1- Anyways,Welcome back!
Boy 2- *scoffs*

The end.

Huh ? What was that? Seems like I missed everything. Well it doesn't concern me . As if  I care.

Someone pulled me and when I turned I came face to face with Zara.

"You scared me Z", I said in a dramatic tone.

"Stupid girl! Where did you go?",she asked.

"I should be the one asking that question", I replied her with a small change in my tone.

"Okay Okay! DRAMA QUEEN", she said rolling her eyes.

"What was the rush about?", I asked her curiously.

"My brother. Who else can seek this much attention?", she replied.

"That was your brother? But who was that another guy??", I asked her.

She smirked and said,"The one you should stay away from because he is my brother's biggest enemy."

"Enemy? Is your brother in a Mafia gang or what?", I said in a dramatic tone.

"No no. That guy whom he was talking to was Asim ,his once a best friend but something happened that made him his biggest rivalry. I can't tell you more because I don't know more", she said with a fake cry.

"Okay enough. I don't want to meet your brother. Bye. I stay 120 miles aways from troubles. What if he buries me in the backyard of your house. The fuck. Why am I imagining my own words. Shit, shit. Bye", I said her.

"Hey stop!", she said and pulled my backpack towards herself.

I raised my neck up in frustration.


I heard a strong ,cold and manly voice from behind calling Zara.

"Brotherrr", Zara shouted in excitement and finally let go of the strips of my backpack. Finally it's the time I should escape.

"Wait Advi!!!", she pulled my strips back.

I can't do anything now. So I stopped and turned my head towards her in defeat and made a puppy face. Then I shifted my gaze towards her brother. And believe me my eyes were widened up till such an extent that they could pop out of my spectacles.

Oh My God.

He is Zara's bro?

That Red and Yellow Jersey guy I met when I was just 15 is Zara's bro?

That chocolate colored eyes is Zara's bro?

That strong scented guy is Zara's bro?

The guy who pushed me, that jerk is Zara's bro?

That idiot who was in my mind 24×7 is Zara's bro?

R.K is Zara's bro?

Isn't his last name supposed to be Bhatia?

"Zara stay away from such low standard people", he interrupted my inner thoughts by saying this.

Wait ?Did he just call my standards low?
I was right about him. He is a jerk. I don't understand why Zara was flattering so much about him. He is nothing but a brat.


"She doesn't even have guts to cuss at me face to face," he said smirking.

How did he know? Did he read my mind or what?

I gathered up some courage and eliminated the distance between us. I was now facing him so closely that my heart was beating against my ribs. His face was so fucking close to me now.

"I have to lower my standards when people around me are even lower than me."

With that I backed off and moved past him making sure I brushed his shoulders with mine.

I don't know what got into me and I did that.I don't even know his name.

Urgh! It feels like I am digging my own grave.

Zara caught pace with me and suddenly stood in front of me. She was out of breath maybe due to running after me. Once she regained her consciousness she started clapping proudly. She eved did a salute to me.

"Why are you doing this?", I asked her.

"No one has ever dared to confront my brother. You are the first one. So you deserve my salute. You have no idea how much I wanted to do this because of his misbehavior but Ads you're amazing." She said and stretched her hands towards me.

I shook her hand and asked,"Are you appreciating me or scaring me?"

She rolled her eyes and said ,"Ofcourse I am appreciating you."

I was about to ask her brother's name because there were so many questions in my mind but the bell rang and she said me a 'Bye' and ran to the classroom.

We both can only meet in English's class. Rest all subjects of us are different. I am a Commerce student while she is in Arts.

But the main problem right now is this R.K! How dare he pushed me that day and today he called my standards low. What does he think of himself ? Idiot!

It is going to be a long journey....with R.K.

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