Chapter 23 | His Past

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As soon as I reached college, Ronit and I drained all our focus in our performance pushing away our personal matters aside. Though he didn't accept my follow request yet but it's okay.

Tomorrow we have to show it to sir. I can't believe we made it teaming up. It will be a lie if I say it was not difficult because it was.

We applied so many strategies because it was next to impossible to sing, dance and perform. We simplified so many steps. Did I say We ? Not again Advika."It's done", Ronit said proudly and I smiled.

Everyone clapped seeing our performance. All faces seemed satisfied with us. I could only and only receive praises. Everyone was shocked that we prepared all this in just 3-4 days.

I was walking along the hallway when I saw Asim coming in my direction. I don't want to upset Ronit again so I turned and moved in another direction. But he came running and caught me.

"Are you avoiding me?", he asked frowning.

"Why would I?", I asked grinning.

"Why did you turn away then?", he investigated.

"I suddenly remembered something", I answered.

"Did Ronit tell you to stay away from me?", he raised his brows.

I didn't reply and looked anywhere but him. He scoffed,"You don't need to. There are some misunderstandings between him and me. So he don't like seeing my face."

"What misunderstandings?",I was curious to know.

He opened his mouth but closed it immediately. "Never mind. Leave", he moved away not answering.

I have got a special quality to see inside one's heart. Just like Ronit pretends to be a Ronit he isn't. I can see that Asim is not a bad man either. It's just a feeling not like I am some mind reader lol.

I need to have some talk with him. I want to know what made Ronit like this. I want to know what made him break his bond with his brother like best friend. Maybe Zara knows something. No I can't ask her Ronit's personal life. She would think something is between us.

Should I have a talk with Asim? But I know he won't open up with me so easily. We have talk just two times. Why would he share things with me? Should I be friends with him? No Ronit will kill me.

I should wait for Ronit to talk about his past with me himself. That would be the best. Some thing must have happen to him back then. Wait! Is it about a girl? No no it can't be. Family issues? Nah. What has happened to him? Why he covers himself underneath a mask? I am going to find it out.


It's Sunday today that is our event. God I am so nervous and excited. I feel mixed emotions. I hope it goes smooth. I want to give it my best shot.

I am currently sitting in front of the mirror in my makeup room, some makeup artists doing my makeup. This is the third time I am applying makeup. The first time was when there was annual function in school and second was on my aunt's marriage. Makeup completely changes my face. I don't look myself in makeup and it affects my skin too so I avoid doing it.

Once it was done, I look at myself, take a deep breath. I look fine. Fine in the light pink colored top, curly hair, black trousers and makeup lastly.

It was our turn to perform the opening event dance. The dance was powerful and energetic. Happy that I practiced it yesterday three times because I was so busy doing my performance with Ronit that didn't give this one any time.

I came out of my room and bumped into someone's chest. I looked up to stand face to face with Ronit. My hands were still on his chest when he bent down to my height and kissed my cheek,"All the best."

I was blushing and when I say I was blushing I mean it. "Thank you", I said looking down. He also looked down but on my hands which were on his chest. I quickly moved it away. He smiled shyly.

We both were admiring each other's faces when someone interrupted ,"Advika let's go." None of us move and that girl then called my name again so I looked in her direction then looked at him.

Where is he? Was I imagining it? I touched my cheek I could still feel it was real. But where did he go? Am I daydreaming ? I pushed away the thoughts and ran backstage.


My body started grooving on the song

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My body started grooving on the song. My eyes in between of the dance searched Ronit in the audience and I found him. He was happily and proudly looking at me. There was a turn in the dance step and when I looked there again he was still there. Thank god I am not day dreaming. But was that kiss real?

Such a mysterious experience!

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