Chapter 47 | Come Back

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4 years later

"Boss, what happened after that?", one of my employees asked.

"Umm after our breakup?"

"Yes, didn't you ever cross your paths with him?"

"I did. I did cross paths with him even after our breakup.College became a hell for me because I had to see him there but some where in my heart it still made me happy to see the sight of him. Both of us just reacted as if we didn't see each other."

"Boss! Didn't you ever talk to him after that?", another employee asked.

"Um. Yeah we talked. That day was Kate's birthday party!", I replied and got lost in the memories of that day....

After the classes ended, I came out of the classroom and saw Kritika strolling towards me.

"Hello Ad..vii..kaaa", she said my name with breaks.

"What? What do you want?", I said with a low tone.

"I don't want anything but have to give you something",she said.

I left a sigh and asked,"What?"

"This", she pulled out a jacket from her bagpack.

This jacket looks familiar. This is mine, right? How come it's with her.

I quickly snatched away the jacket and checked it properly. If it was really mine or not.

"This is mine", I said.

"I know. My maids were cleaning my room and they found this jacket in my room so I thought of returning it to the right owner", she smirked.

"Oh my! Ya I handed this jacket to a girl on that bridge. It", I suddenly remembered about me giving this jacket to someone.

"Finally you remember", she clapped her hands in a sarcastic way.

"That day you unknowingly did a great favor to me and I have to return the favor so come to my birthday party", she handed me an invite card.

I looked away from her and that was when I heard the breaking of a flower vase. Some one is eavesdropping on us? Kritika ran there along with me but there was no one and only the broken vase could be seen on the floor with shattered pieces, just like my heart.

I returned the card back to her,"You need not to. I won't come anyways."

"You have to come. I don't want to owe you something", she handed the card back to me and left not listening a word.

I don't want to go. I will not go there.

"Boss Boss Boss. So you didn't go?", my secretary questioned.

I laughed and said,"I am a little psycho. I ended up going there because...."

"Because?", all of them said in union.

"Because it was a century since I went in parties. I wanted to have the food over there and also Ronit must be coming too so I wanted to flatter myself and show him what he lost", I scoffed on my stupidity.

"Darn! Director what happened there in the party then?", my employee questioned.

"Focus on you work. We have to complete our project also. Otherwise Asim will eat us alive", I crossed my arms and told them all to work instead of knowing my personal life.

It's been 4 years and I must sound crazy if I say I haven't moved on yet. I have money, status, job and everything but I am still not happy. I stay away from relationships because I am scared what happened four years back might happen again.

Everyone in their lives are successful but there is still not a word from him. Nobody knows where is he. Nobody knows how is he doing. I should not care right? But I do care and I hate it that I still care because those feelings haven't change. I am deeply in love with him.

I am the Director of the Sizma Company which is owned by my best friend, Asim. Ya my best friend Asim. Many things have changed in these few years. I am not in touch with Zara nor with her brother. All these years Asim stood by me like a pillar. Even this job was offered by him. I am more than thankful to him.

The moment I came out of the company, people started bowing to me, wishing me a good night. I took out my car keys from my expensive purse and nodded at them.

I parked my car in the garage of my home and went straight to my room. After changing into comfortable clothes I logged in my fake Instagram account and checked for an update by him but as usual no update.

Where in the hell are you? I breathed in and out to calm myself and closed my eyes but I couldn't fall asleep.

Those memories, those moments came on jumping one after another.

"If you want me, you have to earn me", I said.

"I love you!", those words made my heart skip a beat.

I snapped my eyes open. Advika don't think about him. I closed my eyes once again. But images of that night kept on filling my brain. His touch. His body against mine. Our moans. How can I forget all that even if I want to.

I miss him. I miss him more everyday. Please come back Ronit please. I cried as always. I am a Boss bitch for the world but no one knows my this side. How much broken I am. How much his memories hurt. How much I love him. I cried out loud.

Please! Destiny, let us meet again, just once. Only once.

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