Special Chapter on Ronit's POV

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Everything was going fine today until I met Kritika once again. Seeing the sight of her made my blood boil. What in the world was she doing here. She is here that means there must be something and my guess was right. When I walked away from there, Advika came to console me but I told her I was fine. At the terrace of our college as I expected Kritika came.

"Why are you here?", I asked in my coldest tone.

"To tell you something important", she crossed her arms.

"What important thing?", I turned my head in her direction.

"Dad said you should agree for the surgery. If you keep postponing it you may.. you may..", she stopped at the word 'you may.'

"I may?", I raised my eyebrow.

She took a deep breath then said,"You may die."

My eyes widened at her response. Without saying a word I left her alone on the terrace.

When I started taking cigarettes and drugs after our breakup. It turned out a little serious so I tried my best to quit it. One day at the hospital I met Kritika again and the situation was a little surprising. Her father was actually the doctor who had been treating me all this while.

The surgery was very risky so I kept on telling them I don't need it. Also my body was much better than before. Even one of the doctors said I won't need the surgery if I leave smoking.

One day at a club a guy handed me a smoking box and I felt the urge to smoke again. I just couldn't control on myself. I kept on telling myself one cigarette won't harm. Slowly with time I started smoking again but it never felt like I was sick.

I left getting the treatment and checkups completely. But two weeks back we had a health checkup in our college and sadly the doctors were of that hospital. Maybe her father saw my reports.

I am not scared about dying. I am scared how to face Advika. The best for now is to avoid her.

With time I and Advika are getting distant and I hate that. Every day I pretend not to see her and just walk away.

I feel so depressed and burdened. I took out the cigarette box and lightened a cigarette and kept on seeing the flame. Just because of this one thing my whole life is a mess. I burnt the whole box and it was only when I heard some chatting. The voice was familiar so I went to see where was it coming from. I eavesdropped on them and it seemed like Advika thinks I was bothered because Kritika hugged a guy but I was angry because that bitch was pointing to Advika from behind and hinting me that she would tell everything to her.

I then saw Asim hugging her. Jeez! I am here going through something so serious and they are hugging each other. Nobody can look at her except me and he has the nerve to hug my girlfriend. I know it is something very casual but the cancer thing made me so much annoyed that I took out all my anger on Asim. While beating him Advika jumped in out of a sudden and I pushed her away not knowing it was her. I quickly went to see her but she won't wake up. I cupped her cheeks and shook her shoulders but she won't open her eyes.

I quickly carried her in my arms and ran down the stairs. Asim followed me.

"Asim! Car! Car! Quick!", I said panicking. I am such a bad boyfriend. How can I do this to her. I feel ashamed of myself.

I hurriedly laid her on the hospital bed.
"Doctor! Doctor!', I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The doctor quickly came and checked her,"Relax. She is just unconscious!"

"Make her wake up quickly. Nowww!!", I pulled the collar of his shirt.

Asim pulled me back and told,"She is fine bro. Chill. Calm down."

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