Chapter 26 | It's over

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Zara was going to return books to Advika when I convinced her to let me do the favor. She looked at me suspiciously but I let it go. It's been a week, Advika and I haven't a good talk with each other. Maybe we can talk now.

I was so much star struck when she kissed me. It was completely unexpected. I wanted to kiss her but didn't make an attempt because I thought maybe she won't be comfortable and wanna have her firt kiss special and blah blah blah. I even left a hickey there, indicating that she and I can have a good start.

Dance performance was so much of a relief. I should credit the college event to bring us close...umm..physically and emotionally both. She is so busy studying and so am I. Ya I am a bad boy but that doesn't mean bad boys don't study.

I am thinking of asking her out tomorrow but I am not very sure about how she feels for me. Maybe she doesn't feel that way because every time she looks at me as if I am the most irritating person. But on the other hand she is just like me in so many ways- we both are dancers, brilliant singers, good in studies and so on. She is perfect like me. I never thought I would move on from Kate and look at any other girl but it's happening. My heart is falling in love again.

The worst part is whenever I kiss any girl, I just imagine her to be Advika. And I even have some sex fantasies with her from past so many days. It's making me crazy. She is actually making me crazy.

I reached her house and her parents greeted me warm heartedly. I kept on looking for her but she wasn't there. "I will go get some air", I moved out of the house.

Isn't that Asim's car? Maybe I am just over thinking. No I am not! He came out of the car and opened the door for someone.

Advika? No it can't be! Is he trying to steal her away from me just like he stole Kate. They both were laughing at something. Holding hands. Great! It was expected.

Once Advika saw me she immediately rushed to me. Explaining and justifying herselves. But my mind was fixed at Asim. He will take her away from me. I can't see this happening. I don't want him to take away my happiness again.

"It's not what you think", I could see her honesty in her eyes. But girl you don't know this man is a moron. I don't want us to end up getting hurt. I am very much familiar with his tactics.

"What?",I asked in my worst tone.

"He just dropped me off here", she elaborated.

I am sorry Advika I am sorry. The thing I am going to say will break your heart and mine too but it's for the best. We should stay away for a while. My mind is not strong enough to lose you too. I can't handle one more breakup. You are a very nice girl, even better than her. I like you. I really do. I hope I could say this aloud but I think I am a coward. Call me selfish if you want to but I can't see him taking you.

"Why are you giving me explanations? I don't care. Do what ever you want to do. Hold his hands, kiss him or better fuck him, I don't give a shit. I just came to return the books you gave to Zara. Why are you justifying yourselves as if I am your boyfriend", I said ruthlessly.

"Do you actually mean it?",her eyes stared getting teary. I can't see this. I want to hug her right now and say 'No Advika I don't mean any of it.'

"Why won't I? Wait! Were you dreaming me and you?", I pointed myself and then her and laughed out hard. It's breaking my heart to do all this but I kept on convincing myself its for her good and mine.

"Just because of a single kiss you were imagining things. Lol thank God I didn't fuck you otherwise you would have started dreaming about marrying me", when these words left out my mouth,I was ashamed of myself.

My heart kept on thudding against my ribs. If I would be Pinocchio, my nose would have reached out of the world. I could see tears falling down her eyes. I couldn't even look at her face right now. Sorry is not enough for what I am doing. I don't know if she will ever forgive me.

"Come on lemme taste your lips one more time", I kissed her forcefully. This is going to be our last kiss. Please don't push me away but she pushed me and slapped my cheek. She hates me! She is going to hate me forever.

This is was what I wanted, right? I pushed her away from me. It's not about me getting hurt, it's about her life. I hope she could understand it but she ran in her house not even looking at me once. I went away from there ignoring Asim.

It's over! Well there was nothing to begin with...

"Be a man loser. I know you like her", I stopped in my way when he said that. Is it that clear?

"I don't like her and stop interfering in my life",I turned to him.

"For how long are you going to act as if I am nobody to you. I already said what happened to her was not my fault", he said running in my direction.

"She won't lie to me. You were my enemy the night you did that to her", my eyes were full of anger.

"Between a girl and your bestfriend, you chose that bitch. You didn't even trust me. You were so much blinded in love", he screamed.

"Don't call her a bitch you asshole and fuck off you son of a bitch", I warned him.

He scoffed and started the engine of his car but then rolled down his window,"Advika said she cares for you. I could see her affection towards you. Everytime she would ask me about you. This is what you gave to her?", Asim said shaking his head in disbelief and drove his car away.

She likes me too? Did she confess it? My god! Listening these words, my heart ached more and more. I didn't even realise when a tear fell on my cheek.

Sorry Advika! Sorry!

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