Chapter 29 | In your arms

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I was so much excited don't know why. Once he unbuttoned his shirt he came towards me and...

And nothing happened. He covered me with his shirt. Wait what were I expecting? I have gone crazy. Can't help I am a Pisces. Imagining things is my inbuilt talent.

"Ahh..ahh..achoo", I sneezed again.

"You're surely going to catch fever. What to do?", he roamed around thinking about something.

"I am fine. Achoo!", I sat on the bed covering myself with his shirt. How come his shirt not that wet but my clothes were. Maybe because I was standing in rain for too long.

"We have only one option", he snapped me out of my thoughts.

"You mean that?", I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yes that", so he is thinking what I am thinking.

"That... are you kidding me?", I laughed.

"What's wrong in it? Can't I cuddle you for a night", oh he means cuddle. I thought that...umm..yeah..that.....

"What were you thinking?", he asked smiling naughtily.

"I..uh..", I stammered. "No we can't sleep cuddling." My body started feeling cold again. It was killing me but I kept on fighting him.

"Just shut up. I promise I won't do anything else. So please cooperate", he said.

My lips were frozen. My body was losing it. I just nodded because I had no energy to protest.

He switched off the lights and jumped on the bed.

"Come here", he said opening his arms. I did as he said.

"You are so warm", I said putting my head on his bare chest. He wrapped his hands around my back.

"And you are cold as ice", he said. I didn't realize when I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep. Hugging him did make me feel better but my jaw was vibrating because of the cold.

"This won't do anything", he woke me up from my weak sleep. He raised from the bed making me sit on the bed too.

"I am feeling very cold", I almost whispered.

"I know", he said and started removing my dress that is the bedsheet.

"What are you doing", I stopped him.

"Shh", he put a finger on my lips. "Trust me."

I moved my hand away and let him undo my clothes. Once he was done, I laid on my back. He then laid back too covering both of us under the bedsheet.

He put his hands on my waist and back and I put my hands around his neck, resting my head in the crook of his neck. He kept on moving his hands up and down my back making me feel better.

I felt warm now but couldn't sleep anymore. His fingers were doing magic. Although we were half naked but he was in his limits.

"Thankyou", I whispered in his ears.

"Hm", he said.

"Ronit. Your surname is Bhatia. But why that day when I first met you, on your jersey, it was written RK?", I asked because I was curious to know.

He didn't reply.

"Why do you keep on pretending to be someone you aren't", I continued.

"Kritika. Everyone used to call her Kriti. But I used to call her Kate because she loved Hello Kitty.", he laughed at the memory."On my jersey RK means Ronit Kritika.I loved her. I really did. But she left me because of that jerk, Asim. She was my first love. It was impossible to forget her but now I want to move on."

It broke my heart into pieces. 'I want to move on'. Does that supposed to mean he still loves her.

"So you mean you want to be with me to forget her?", I almost cried.

"No. I want to be with you because I like you", he replied.

"But you said you want to move on", I moved away from the hug and looked in his eyes.

"I want to move on because I found someone better than her", he looked in my eyes intensely. My heart was dancing with joy.

Time kept on passing but none of us broke the eye contact. He came a little closer. I too shifted a little to his side. He then rubbed his nose with mine. I copied him.

He brought his mouth nearer to mine and caught my lower lip between his teeth. Biting it and moved away.

I came closer and sucked his lower lip harder than he bit mine. He moaned. Isn't his moan too sexy? I laughed and moved away.

He then flicked on my forehead with his fingers. "Oww", I rubbed my forehead and gave him a 'you are dead' look.

I hit him on his stomach. He then grabbed my wrist and hovered above me, pinning my wrist to the side of my head. I am wearing just an underwear and bra. It made me feel weird. He was at least in his jeans. Thank Jesus! the lights are off.

He planted a kiss on my lips once again. This time a French kiss. I can't keep the count of seconds or minutes we kept on doing it. It felt as if the world stopped for all that time being. It was just us. Only us.

He finally parted away and kissed my jaw, neck. One of his favorite moves. He trailed down kisses not leaving an inch of space. He kissed my cleavage making my hormones lose all the balance.

His mouth then gone a little down and at this point of time I could imagine my mother looking at her daughter doing this stuff behind her back. Lol why do I get such thoughts  at serious moments?

He kissed my stomach which made my back arched. Butterflies, insects, cockroaches, all inside my stomach were dancing as if a birthday party is going on.

This is what I wanted right? A full on romantic love story. But for some reasons I felt it was not the right time to do all this. Because we are young bloods and things between us are totally lust. I can't let a guy touch me without loving me. I am not even 18 yet.

We are going too far already. Stop him right now Advika. Stop him!

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