Chapter 28 | Lock The Doors

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He landed me back on the ground and hugged me tightly,"I thought you will never forgive me."

"My heart knew it some where that you were lying. Even though I wanted to hate you badly but I couldn't. My mind won't stop thinking about you", I answered honestly.

He caressed my hair,"Same here. How hard I tried to push you away from my ugly life but nothing changed. Every time I used to convince myself that you are not the one but my heart won't stop pounding when I see you. There was not a single day when I didn't stalk you on Instagram.I want to be with you. I want to fall in love with you. You have no idea these three weeks were hell for me."

A smile formed on my lips, I moved back from the hug,"I have suffered equally. I missed you too."

He came forward to kiss my lips but I stopped him by putting a finger on his lips. "I want you to tell me everything. I want to know you. Tell me everything."

He got lost in a deep thought. It was visible on his forehead that he doesn't want to share.

"It' I won't force you.", I stuttered.

A sneeze left my mouth and nose. Hugging him made me feel warm but now I feel cold. I kept on sneezing. "God! Who said you to stand here in rain", he scolded me and grabbed my arm dragging me towards his car.

"You din't bring your bike", I asked sneezing again.

"You! it's not bike, it's Bella. She is my Bella", he said offended.

"Bella? Lol it sounds weird", I laughed.

He just gave me a blank look. "Hehehe, so funny", he said in a baby tone. That made me laugh out more.

I opened the door of his car and got in. Shit my clothes are all wet. The weather was getting worst. He got in and started the engine. I could see rivers forming on the roads.

"Where are we heading?", I asked returning his jacket.

"To a motel maybe", he said forming a pout and threw the jacket at back seat.

"Motel? Drop me to my house for god sake", I almost shouted at him.

"Lower down your volume, my ears will bleed. Roads are blocked because of the weather. I can't go to my house too. So we have to stay for a night somewhere near", he said irritated.

"You have some other intentions.Don't you?", I asked suspecting him.

"We're here", he laughed applying brakes.

The windows were all boarded up as if what was inside was too terrible to see. The motel looked creepy and gloomy. Rain dripping down from the gutters made the place seem miserable.

Still we entered inside. There was no one to be seen. It looked like a scary place. The sound of wind, rain falling on the ground and animals could be heard.

"Hello", someone said from behind making both of us startled and jumping to the speaker's direction.

"You scared the hell out of me", I said panting.

He laughed in an awkward way,"Young man, young woman. Alone in a motel at night. Hmm."

"No it's not what you are thinking", I protested.

"Nah it's fine. I understand your desires", said the old man.

"We..", I was saying when he cut me off,"Young boy come here."

Ronit pointed himself,"Me? What?"

"Do you...........", I couldn't hear what he was whispering in Ronit's ear.

"What happened?", I asked curiously.

He again laughed awkwardly,"You want handcuffs, whips or..", Ronit inserted a handful of notes in the old man's mouth to zip him up. The old man then gave Ronit keys.

Jeez. This old man is unbelievable. I left a sigh and followed Ronit.

"That man is so ridiculous", I told shaking my head in disbelief.

"He's cute. He even gave me this", Ronit pulled something out of his pocket. Con..con..condoms?

I slapped his shoulder and he just giggled. Where am I stucked God?

"Don't over react we have spent the night together once", he said inserting the key in the lock.

I moved inside and he locked the door from inside,"I am not over reacting. Shit! Mom."

"Mom? What Mom?", he asked noticing my face colors changing.

"I told her I am going to buy guide books but shit shit shit. I am doomed", I slapped my forehead.

"Relax. I will tell her you're with me", he started dialing the number when I snatched away my phone.

"You gone mad? You will tell her that we are practically spending a night together? She will misunderstand. Fuck",I said cursing myself mentally.

"OKAY. Chill", he calmed me down.

"Call her and tell you're at my house. You couldn't return because of rain. You will come when rain stops.You met Zara at the shop co-incidentally and blah blah", he gave an idea.

"Yes that sounds better. But I shouldn't lie to her", I put my hands on my waist.

"Come on. Sometimes lying is important", he said cheering me up.

I called mom and did what he told. I sneezed again. "Change your clothes", he said once he checked the temperature of my forehead with his hand.

"I don't have any clothes", I said.

"You'll catch cold. You should not wear drenched clothes", he searched for something I could wear and his eyes landed on something.

"No. I won't wear that", I said before he could tell me to cover myself with a fucking bedsheet.

"You have to wear this", he said smiling for a mili second.

"No way", I crossed my arms and sneezed again.

"Change your clothes or freeze to death", he gave me no choice.

"Fine", I said taking the sheets and throwing him out of the room. Once I was done I invited him in again.

His eyes were full of lust maybe because the bedsheet barely covered my body. It reached above my knees and adding more salt to the injury, it was off shoulder. And my bra strips were visible. The bed sheet of this cheap motel was small for me.

I feel like burning under his gaze. "I feel I will catch cold in these clothes", I said.

"You won't", he stepped in smirking and started unbuttoning his shirt.

Wait boy. At least lock the doors!

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