Chapter 3 | A new friend

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Here I, stand in front of the beautiful building of Saint Xavier. I didn't expect it to be so good. Well,I googled about it so much but I think it's more beautiful seeing it by myself than in pictures.

The first thing that caught my eyes was a couple making out. Gosh! I think I should not stare at them. Its awkward to disturb someone's privacy. Right?

I went to my classroom after so many struggles. Yes you read it write 'Struggles'. I literally had to ask everyone about the way of my room number , that was given by the principal.

I probably looked like a lost child. Eew ! How do I land everytime in such situations ?

After the class ended, I moved out of the classroom  to explore the college more. But I felt eyes on me from behind so I turned around only to find girls and boys giving me disgusting and lusty looks respectively. I decided to ignore them and continued walking.

A boy came out of blue and asked me if I feel comfortable in the new atmosphere. I nodded with a smile.

He then told me to follow him so that he could give me a tour of the college and I did as he said.The room he took me to was so dark. I could hardly see anything and then he pulled me towards him. I didn't know what he was up to. But his intention seemed to be evil. He then started kissing my neck.

And I couldn't take it anymore so I screamed at the top of my lungs but he covered my mouth with his hand. I felt helpless and tears started forming in my eyes.

I screamed for help again. And then suddenly the room lit up and I could see a girl of my age. The boy let go of me.That girl approached us in a quick speed and before I could slap that guy she did it for me.

Great! He deserves this.

I slapped his face hard and said,"I wish your mother could have give you some manners. Boys like you deserve to rot in hell. You know what ,you are the reason why parents fear sending their girls outside the home. Get a life man."

He went away without apologizing. Whatever!! Such a spoiled brat he is. I wish I could slap him again.

I now realized the room was a library. I turned towards the girl and said her a 'Thankyou'.

"I am so sorry. I hope I could have come earlier", she said with a guilt.

I felt she shouldn't blame herselves so I replied her ," Its okay! It has nothing to do with you. Don't blame yourselves sweetie. I am grateful that among everyone in the college at least there was someone who could save me from that asswipe. You are my saviour."

Her mood enlightened up and she said," I am happy that you consider me as your saviour otherwise everyone thinks I push them in troubles. You know in my school they used to call me jinx ,unlucky, wretched and all that stuff."

"Oh leave them. Jeez! they are stupids who can't differ between a good luck bringer and a bad luck bringer. They just are jealous of you and can't digest the fact you are better than them in many ways", I tried to motivate her with facts.

"Hearing you, I can make a conclusion that you too suffered alot that's why you know so much about all this", she stated.

Yes! Yes I suffered alot of bullying. I still remember how those girls used to call me worthless. I know how it feels when one is given a particular tag. I know...

She interrupted my thoughts by shaking my shoulders.

I could only say 'Huh?'

She said,"I am sorry! I didn't mean to make you remember about your past."

"Oh that's okay. By the way have I have to call you Miss Saviour or do you have a name", I asked laughing out hard.

Well she didn't laugh at my joke. But still gave a fake laugh so that I don't feel bad and said,"Your saviour has a name that is Zara. Zara Bhatia".

"Zara my saviour, Advika Somnai is lucky to meet you",I replied and shook her hands.

We both kept on making jokes. Laughing together. I kinda started vibing with Zara. She is a real sweetheart. No wonder why people called her unlucky. Well one thing is for true- "This world is not a place for good people!"

Months passed and I couldn't even feel how time was flying this fast. With Zara, I could finally make it out why my life seemed to be incomplete.


Yes that is the reason why my life was boring and incomplete. Without friends everything is incomplete.


Zara- Do you know what? Everyone has only used me. In my old school, each and everyone used to take advantage of me in order to be in touch with my big bro.

Me- Hey! Calm down. Those girls were nothing but a heap of trash. The more you think about them, the more you spoil your mood.

Zara- Trust me Ads you should be a councilor or advisor:)

Me- No way!!! I can only advise other people..When it comes to my matters I need everyone to advise meeeee :(

Zara- Hahahaaa! I am so happy that I met you and now my punk of a brother is also coming back to college tomorrow after his 2 months suspension. I am so so so happy I have you two , who really care for me..

Me- Woho! That's a great news . I am also happy to have you by my side. Okay its 1:30 already go n sleep. See you and your 'punk of a brother' at college tomorrow..

With this last message I switched off my phone. Zara and I really became close in no time. Maybe because we are very similar to each other. I feel she is my twin sister. I really wish our bond never weakens.

Now her brother is also coming. Maybe we can get along too. Her brother must be like her only. She really loves him. Everytime she tells me the stories of how his brother used to protect her. How he used to warn guys to stay away from his sister. How he used to pass sarcastic comments on those girls who used his sister to come closer with him. All these stories make me want to appreciate him for all the efforts he did for Zara.

I am excited to meet her 'punk of a brother'.

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