Chapter 2

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Jaden (from the beginning)

I woke up in my king sized bed this morning with heavy eyes. I rubbed my eyes and stretched. I slowly got out of my bed and walked to my bathroom.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and made sure my hair was okay.

I walked back to my room and changed out of my t-shirt and blue pajama pants and into a white shirt, black jeans, and a black leather jacket.

I went downstairs and walked into my kitchen where my dad was sitting at the dining table, drinking coffee, and my mom was sitting on the counter, drinking tea and reading a book.

"Hey sweetie." My mom said, hoping off of the counter and kissing me on the cheek.

"Hey mom." I said, sitting at the table.

"Jaden," my dad said. I looked up at him while he began talking. "Your mother as I are going on a business trip tomorrow so please keep the house in order and stay out of trouble. Don't throw any parties, and just don't do anything. Got it?" My dad lectured me.

I nodded. "Okay." I lied. I am probably going to get in a lot of trouble today and I'm most likely going to throw a party while my parents are gone. Here's something about me: I don't go by the rules. So whatever my parents say not to do...I will probably do.

My dad nodded. "Good." He said.

"Well. I gotta get to school. I don't wanna be late." I said. I actually couldn't care less about whether I was late or not.

"Bye Jaden. Please don't get another detention. You've been getting into a lot of trouble this year." My mom informed me.

I shrugged and walked into the garage where my black mustang is parked. I looked over at the mini fridge in our garage. I quickly ran over to it and opened the door to the fridge. I took out 4 of my dads beers and stuffed them in my book bag.

I wasn't supposed to be having my dads beers. And plus, I'm 16. It's illegal for people my age to drink. But like I said, I don't go by the rules.

I got into my car and slung my book bag in the passenger seat. I started up my car and backed out of the garage and down the drive way.

My house is is well, huge. My parents are really rich because they own an expensive oil company. My parents are always going on business trips, so I'm mostly alone all the time unless I'm throwing a party or having friends over. My parents are really successful. They always keep talking to me about how I should be a doctor, or a lawyer, or an owner of a trillion dollar oil company like them.

Yeah right. Like I would end up being any of those things.

Once I reached the school, I parked in the parking lot. I grabbed my book bag, stepped out of the car, and slung the book bag on my back.

The cool air hit me as I stepped outside. My hair flowed along with the wind movement. I walked inside of the school and went straight to the back of the school to meet my 3 friends, Blake, Mason, and Sam.

"Wassup Jaden?" Mason said, bro hugging me.

"Nothing much. Look what I got." I said. I took my book bag off of my back and handed them one beer each. "One for you. One for you. One for you. And one for me." I said, as I handed the beers out.

"Ah. Nice work man." Sam said.

We all sat down as everyone opened their drinks. We sat around just talking and drinking for about three minutes until we saw two people turn the corner.

"This is the back hallway." A guy named Logan said.

Logan and this other girl were walking around. She must be new. I looked at her and watched her walk with Logan.

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