Chapter 8

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"Dallas?" I said in a half shocked tone and half confused tone. "Oh my gosh Dallas what are you doing here?" I said.

If you're wondering who Dallas is, Dallas Newton is unfortunately my ex boyfriend. Back when I lived in California, we went out for about 4 months until I told him I was moving to Chicago.

I looked at Dallas in surprise. I had no idea I was gonna see him again. Dallas was tall, about 6 foot 4. He has soft, black hair, tanned skin, and brown eyes. "Did you think I wasn't gonna visit my girl?" He smiled and playfully poked me in the stomach.

"You're girl? Dallas, if you haven't forgotten, we broke up." I said.

He moved closer to me and wrapped his arm around my waist. "That doesn't mean I wanted to." He said.

I pushed his arm off of my waist and backed away from him. "Dallas, I'm flattered that you came to see me. But I kind of have a boyfriend." I said.

"What!?" He said. "What!?" He repeated. "Janelle, how could you leave me and then find another guy. I thought we had something special." He said.

I sighed and stepped towards Dallas and gave him a hug- a friendly hug. "I'm sorry Dallas. But I think it's time we go our separate ways. But please don't take this the wrong way. We should hang out sometime." I said smiling at him.

He softly smiled back and looked me in the eyes. "Okay." He said. "I gotta get back to my hotel. I'll see you later." He said waking away.

Wow. I can't believe he came halfway across the country to see me. But...Dallas and I have grown apart.

I mentally sighed and threw my lunch away. I walked out of cafeteria double doors and walked down the hallway. I stopped in my tracks when I felt my phone vibrate. I took it out of my purse and unlocked the phone. I smiled to myself when I saw that it was a text from Logan.

Logan: hey. How's school.

Me: good I guess. How you feeling?

Logan: I'm feeling better. But I wanted to ask you something.

Me: yes...

Logan: uh so...tomorrow is Friday, and the Central County Carnival is opening. It's supposed to be like really cool, not a lame carnival. But I was gonna ask you...did you wanna go together?

Me: like on a date?

Logan: uh yeah. If you want to.

Me: of course Logan. I'll see you tomorrow. I gotta go. Bye :-)

Logan: bye Janelle :-)

I put my phone back in my pocket and felt a rush of excitement flow through my body. Oh my gosh. I can't believe Logan and I are going on our first date tomorrow. I hope it goes perfectly. This first date will be perfect. I can't wait!

I walked into Ms. Johnson's room with a smile on my face. She turned her head towards me and snatched off her glasses. "Janelle! Wipe that grin off of your face and sit down!" She snapped at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and sat down in my seat. What a bitch. She really knew how to kill a persons vibe. Jeez.

Okay, maybe she didn't kill my vibe. I am still excited for tomorrow.

Friday, after school

When I got home, I bursted through my front door and ran up the stairs. "Hey dad!" I yelled on the way up.

"Hey Janelle. What is up with you? Why are you in such a rush?" He asked.

"Logan and I are going on our first date in less than an hour! I have no time for talking!" I yelled as I ran into my room and slung my book bag off.

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