Chapter 4

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Janelle was really mad at Kelsey. I mean, I don't blame her. I would be pissed if I got dumped on twice each day at my new school.

When Janelle was done yelling at Kelsey, she walked away. Lana followed Janelle and ran after her. "Janelle wait." Lana said, running after Janelle.

I followed behind them. "Lemme help you clean up." Lana said to Janelle as they walked into the girls bathroom. I waited outside as Janelle and Layna cleaned up in the bathroom. I looked around the empty hallway.

I learned against the purple lockers and pulled out my phone. I waited there and played a game on my phone.

Wow it takes a long time for these girls to get ready. It's already been like 20 minutes. The school bell rang and instantly everyone came running into the hallways. The halls were filled with crazy students, running like a stampede of wild animals to class.

I leaned on the lockers casually and out my phone back into my back pocket.

"Yeah. I know but she shouldn't have been stupid enough to-" Janelle was talking to Lana as they walked out of the bathroom. Janelle stopped in the middle of her sentence and landed her eyes on me. "Logan? You waited out here all this time?" She asked.

"Ah shoot!" Lana exclaimed. "Ms. Johnson is gonna kill me if I'm late to her class again. Gotta go." Lana stormed off, leaving us two in the middle of the empty hallway.

"Aren't you that 'good boy' that's never late to class? I can't believe you sat out here, practically skipping class, waiting here." Janelle said laughing.

I smirked at her. Her dark brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and she formed a beautiful smile. "I didn't wanna leave you. And plus I kind of wanted to walk you to your class." He said.

"But we don't have 4th period together." She said.

"That doesn't mean I can't walk you to class." I said.

She laughed and playfully punched me in the arm. I heard a vibration and Janelle pulled a yellow iPhone 5c out of her Michael Kors purse. I watched her as she stared down at her phone screen. "Ugh!" She groaned, rolling her eyes.

"What?" I asked in a concerning tone.

"My dad is working late tonight and he says I have to make dinner tonight." She said, sticking her phone back in her purse.

"What's so bad about making dinner?" I said.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I just can't cook as well as my mom can." She said.

"So why can't your mom cook it?" I asked.

"Um. She lives in California. My parents divorced." She said, her tone drowning.

"Oh...yeah. I'm sorry. I forgot." I said.

She formed a little smirk. "Yeah. I used to live in California. But I guess all things don't go as planned..." She said.

"Do you miss her?" I asked her.

Janelle slowly nodded. "Yeah. Sometimes it's really lonely living in a house with one parent you know?" She said, pushing a loose part of her hair behind her ear.

"At least you have parents." I mumbled quietly.

Janelle narrowed her eyes at me and frowned. "W-what do you mean?" She asked quietly.

"Nothing." I said, walking away.

"Wait! I thought you were walking me to class, Logan!" Janelle called out as I still walked.

"Um. Im sorry. I gotta get to my class. Sorry." I said, turning the corner and walking down the other hallway.

Am I wrong for leaving her in the middle of the hallway like that? I don't know. All of a sudden, I just don't want to walk her to class anymore. I don't really feel like dealing with anyone right now.

I walked into the biology classroom. I opened the door and everyone turned their heads to my direction. Mr. Drew, the teacher had a surprised look on his face. "Logan!?" He said, with a shocked tone. "I can't believe this. My star student is 15 minutes late to my class?" He asked.

"Yeah. I just-"

"No excuse!" He interrupted me.

"Sorry." I said quietly.

"Take your seat, Logan. I'm going to have to mark you tardy for the first time. This is a shame..." Mr. Drew shook his head disapprovingly and watched me sit in my seat.

"Alright class. Today we are taking a quiz but first I'm gonna go over some of the questions with you all. Which product of glycolysis will enter the citric acid cycle?" Mr. Drew asked. "Logan." He called on me even though I didn't raise my hand.

"Huh?" I said.

Mr. Drew furred his eyebrows at me. "You didn't hear what I said?" He asked.

"" I admitted.

"Logan. You are very out of sorts today. Pay attention in my class or I'm going to give a detention, got it?" He said.

I sighed. "Yeah, got it." I said, opening my biology textbook and continuing with the rest of class.


"Dad I'm home!" I yelled, slamming the door.

The was no reply. Oh yeah, I forgot he was working late and I have to cook stupid dinner. I ran upstairs and into my room and slung my book bag on the floor.

Today was a long day. I just wanna sleep. I slowly looked down at my smudged shirt and rolled my eyes.

I slipped it off and changed into a baby blue tank top. I took my white converse off and walked downstairs with my socks on.

I plopped myself on the couch and turned the living room tv on. I turned to Disney Channel and watched Austin and Ally.

Hey, don't judge me. Once you're a Disney person, you never go back...

I sat up on my couch as something just came into my mind. Logan...he was acting so weird today after I got out of the bathroom.

'At least you have parents.' His words replayed in my mind. I remember exactly how he had said it. His deep voice was soft and quiet and his head was down. His face expression snuck and I could see a sign of sorrow in his eyes.

I have to talk to him tomorrow. I wanna help him. The look Logan had on his face today, I felt bad.

I sighed and walked to my kitchen. I decided to make spaghetti since it wasn't too hard and not too easy.

I hope my 3rd day of school tomorrow will go much better and Logan will open up to me and tell me what's wrong.

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So yeah. Hope you enjoy and there will be some good stuff coming up so keep reading. And promise this book will be better than The Lies of Kiera Walker so keep reading. AND THANKS! Bye

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