Yoshinori:: Jealous & Video Games

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YN's pov:

Ugh why does he always plays with that? Despite the fact that he's an idol and I barely spend time with him, and now he's bonding with his favorite game. 'Yey~ What a fun moment' I thought sarcastically.

I sighed as I stood up from the couch and stomp my feet into our shared room, yes let's say that I'm jealous bit it isn't right to spend your 1 month vacation on your games! His vacation will end in a week!

And yet there he is having fun spending his time on thag stupid effing game.

I just decided to chat his and my friends which is his members, I mean I don't have any permanent or true friend so yeah.

On the Phone:
Yn: Yo dude
Yedam: Oh hi YN- wait aren't you supposed to be hanging out with your boyfriend?
Yn: Yup but his busy with his video games, are you busy dammie?
Yedam: Nope obviously. 'he chuckled'
Yn: Oh great! Want to hangout? I'm bored anyways.
Yedam: Really? Wouldn't your boyfriend mind?
Yn: I don't think so, I mean your my friend so yeah
Yedam: Fine fine, but if your boyfriend get jealous you got me, k?
Yn: My pleasure~
Yedam: Okeh, get ready pick you up in 30.
Yn: okieee~ byeee.

I hung up and went to the bathroom to get myself presentable.
After 20 minutes I finished my business in the bathroom I went into my closet and picked ny outfit.

When I walked out from the room I saw a scary Yoshi, looking at me, oh no. Glaring at me with firing eyes, standing up leaning his body onto the couch that turning it's back to us.

Legs cris crossed as well as his arms, any person would find this scary but damnnn he's hot.

"Going out with my best friend without me knowing huh?" I tilted my head, "How did you know?" "Well MY BEST FRIEND informed me that your going out with him, well the good friend he is he asked me a permission and I said no"

What the eff BANG YEDAM!!! GOD WHY ARE YOU SO KIND TO THIS MAN UGH! "So what if I wanna hangout with him? Jealous?"

"If I said yes? Would that stop you?" He asked, "Nah not really" I retorted while crossing my arms, he walked towards my direction my back hits the closed door as I backed away.

He smirked then trapping me with his two arms, letting his face get close to mine while staring into my soul.

"You know Miss YN, i know that I've been focusing myself to those games but don't do such things that will made us both regret" he said in a husky voice, I felt weak but somehow got me confused, "U-us? Regret? B-both?".

He pulls away his arms and hands away from the wall, instead he held my waist and bring my body closer to his with no space. Making me suffocate in a good way.

"Let's say that I'll be regretful because you made me jealous, and you'll be regretful because I'll punish you"

I widened my eyes at his statement, shit this us not the Yoshi I know, "But-" smooch!

He pecked my lips, "I'm sorry for being distance to you and for those games" */peck "I would like to spend this whole last week with you if you'd forgive me" */peck "i love you my princess" he said still holding me.

"I forgive you, and I understand even tho it's kinda annoying I still do need to convince myself that you need something or someone will entertain you " I said as I wrap my arms around his neck smiling.

"Yeah, the something is the video games and the someone is you" he said as he kissed me deeply.

We both smiled through the kiss. "Don't go out let me spend time with you" then he kisses me again.

The end~~~

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