Jaehyuk:: Banana Milk & Selfish

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No one's pov:

Yn and Jaehyuk's walking towards the convenience store to buy they're favorite drink, BANANA MILK. It's to die for actually, and NO. They're not exaggerating, they really are obsessed with the drink, and ramen too. It's they're everyday habit to go together to that place, that's where they're friendship starts, and feelings that Yn have for him.

Yup, they've been friend for 3 years now. And for those years Yn has been in love and a coward for this man. At least she's happy cause she know every part of him. Don't judge her she always tried to confess her feelings to her best friend, it's just really hard for her to find the right time cause very time she tried it's either she gets tongue tied or his fangirls always interupped. Jaehyuk is kinda popular into their highschool because of his visuals, kind and gentle man personality. He's the dream man that very girl and gay wished.

~But Yn is stupid enough to not notice that Jaehyuk has been bottling up. Yup they're secretly been in love each other.~

Yn's pov:

I hurriedly made my way in the store excited to eat, I ran slowly while smiling cheerfully. "Yah!!! Wait for me you little kid!" Jaehyuk shouted, Yn giggled loudly almost sounded like a laugh. We both arrived at the 'refrigerator' of the store. We widened our eyes as we saw the one and only drink left in the ref.

We both looked at each other, I was supposed to get it but Jaehyuk snatched it from me. He raised up his arms as the precious drink is sitting on top of his palms, he smirks in victory knowing that I already gave up when it comes to height or reaching something. He made his way to the ramen aisle then paid for his food.

I stomped my way towards the table and chair sulking while pouting, I sat down as I crossed my arms I looked away when I felt his presence. He looked confuse without seeing food on the table, after processing he smiled finding Yn cute. He sat next to her trying to comfort her but before that of course a true best friend need some teasing.

"Hmm this Banana Milk taste so goooood~" he purred as he took a sip. I playfully rolled my eyes and scoffed pretending to be mad, "Yn?" he asked as he boop his head to see my face. "Go away you selfish lion, just enjoy your meal" I said as I looked away and pouted more.

Again Jaehyuk found her cute, he just couldn't take his hormones anymore, he just wanted to squeeze the hell out of her. But he held back, he decided to tease her more but in a different way ;).

Suddenly he held my waist the turned me around quickly as if I don't weigh anything. I widened my eyes as I saw the handsome man in front of my face inches away. I tried to stand up but his grip tightened around me. "J-Jaehyukie~" I whimpered.

He looked at me straight into my soul, we had a long eye contact. Until he speaks "You know Princess, I'm not that selfish. I can share this drink with you, but only in one condition" he said darkly while leaning his body and face closer not bothering to break the eye contact.

"W-what condition?" I asked, "We'll have it my way." I was confused, so I asked again, "What?" "Aish Bang Yn, sometimes it makes me wonder if your really slow or your just stupid." He said smirking.

"YAH I'M JUST CONFUSED ON THE WAY YOU ACT YOU KNOW YOU COULD'VE JUST-" smoooch* That's that, he stole your first kiss, when he kissed you that's when it hits. He wanted you to taste the drink with the use of his lips. You can taste the banana sweet flavor lingering on his lips, you slowly kissed back trying your best to go with the flow, not knowing if it's correct to the way you kissed him.

You felt his lips curved upward, assuming that he's smiling. You wrapped your ams around his neck and tilted your head loving the way his lips tasted. He did the same with your waist. It took some time before both of you pulled out panting.

"You know your too good for a first timer" he said, I blushed and slaps his shoulder. He laughed.

Jaehyuk gives the milk to the cute girl in front of him, he watched Yn sip her drink as he smiled. "Yn." He called out, "Hm?" she hummed busy enjoying the banana milk, Jaehyuk held her chin up and leaned again closer. "Gosh why are you so messy despite your drinking through a straw, aishh my baby is so cute" he nagged at you as he kiss the corner of your lips 3 times. "Hmm sweet"

"Jaehyukie?" You called out, "Yes princess" he asked, "What are we?" she asked confused from the man's behavior. Jaehyuk smiled, "I love you, and assuming from the way you respond the kiss, I think you feel the same way, so can you be mine?" You smiled, "I'm already yours Jaehyuk, the fact that you already stole my first kiss" you pouted.

"Yup, and that *peck* lips *peck* is *peck* mineeee~~~ *peck*"

the end~~

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