Mashiho::Bully & Bathroom

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Yn's pov:
    I'm running on the road in full speed,hurrying.
I always intended to be late in school but not this late! You may ask why. Well I have this bully who always wait for me at the school gate and drag me by may backpack or hair when he's burning with anger.

Since then I always have this habit to go to school kinda late, cause I know he have short patience. I huffed my breath and panting.

I went inside the school not expecting of what I saw. I saw my bully leaning his body on the locker, arms crossed with burning eyes and scary face.

Oh shit I'm dead. I thought. I'm tiptoed my way into another corridor but he saw me. "KIM YN!!!!!"

shit shit run for your life yn, run for your life!

I quickly ran for my life and went to a room. A rest room I must say. I locked the door and pant. I thought I was safe here but I completely regretted it when a man started shouting.

"YAHHH WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU WOMAN?!!!!" I panicked cause his voice is so loud, I putted my index finger on my lips and hushed him. "Shhhh!!! Someone is chasing me!!!" I whispered shout.

But then someone banged the door and shout. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE!!!" We bout widened our eyes then he pulled me inside the cubicle with him, and he leaned my body on the door and hushed me.

"Who the hell was that?" He whispered, "my bully~" I said while trembling cause the banging never stops.

He looked at me worriedly, his next move shocked me. He hugged me and tried to calmed me down, I bursted in tears and cried on his chest.

He whispered 'it's okay' a lit of times to comfort me. Soon the noise from outside stopped and then I pulled out from the hug.

"T-thank you" I smiled at him, and he chuckled "It's okay, I'm glad you can smile right now" then he patted my head and chuckled again.

I pouted, "Yah what so funny?" I said wiping the remaining tears on my face. He smiled "Nothing, you just looked so cute with those red nose and rosy cheeks not to mention those sweater paws"

He exclaimed while booping my nose, cheeks and holding my hands (just want to remind you that they're already out the cubicle they're near the sinks)

I turned red even more, "U-uh hey I just noticed your face not that familiar are you new?" I asked while rubbing my hands together.

"Oh yeah I came from Japan, I'm Takata Mashiho" he introduced and offered his hand, "H-hi I'm Kim Yn, so it's your first day, could've been better huh?" I asked feeling guilty.

He chuckled, "Nahhh, pretty thankful that I met this cute girl" he said as he patted my head. Again I blushed.

He bent down levelling his height to me (yes mashiho is small but you're smaller) "You know we already missed our first subject, we really need to go shall we hm?" He said as he connected our foreheads. God he's so cuteeee!!! Yup i like this boy already. (Naks rupok ni tanga)

I held both of his cheeks with my sweater small paws and smiled with a giggle, "Yes, we shall hehe" he smiled and I can also see a tint of red on his cheeks.

"Okay Ms. Kim" he said before kissing the tip of my nose. He dragged me out of the restroom wide eyed. He laughed a little at my reaction.

But then he stopped causing me to do the same. I looked at him confused, "Why?" He's not looking very happy just a second ago, he bent down and whispers, "If that jerk bullies you again just tell me okay? I don't care getting in trouble on my first day, remember that"

He said as he held my waist and pulled me closer. "Y-yes Mashi~" I said with a mixture of whimper kinda surprised to the way he pulled me. I swear I look like a tomato right now.

"Now let's go you cutie baby" he said making his way to our second period while holding my hands tightly, and reassuring me. I smiled and thankful I met him.

The end~

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