Jeongwoo:: Stalker & Saviour PT.1

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I opened my eyes and turn off my alarm as I stretched my body

"Ahhhh good morning self" I said and rubbed my eyes stumbling my way downstairs

I opened the freezer to see of what I can cook for breakfast

"Hmm there's nothing..."  I said

"Or am I just making excuses to treat myself? No no no Y/n you deserve this you had some tough weeks reviewing and taking the exam for this semester. Yeah I should go to the cafe" i said closing the freezer,

Going upstairs to get ready.

"La la la-- 'bang'" I stopped when I heard something drop outside of my room,

I peeked my head out of the curtains confuse...

I slowly take my head in convincing myself that it's nothing

I continued my business uncomfortably

I finished showering, stepping out of my bathroom and scanned my room,

Then my eyes landed on one thing... "my drawer"

I quickly looked for it thinking that this might be a robbery

"Wait, this drawer is for my underwear.... and my black one is gone?" What the fuck?!

"Maybe I lost it?"

"But didn't I just hesitate if I should wear black or...white?"

I looked around more noticing that there's no changes except for this drawer, so I brushed it off

||at the cafe||

"Hi good morning ma'am!" The waiter said greeting me


I greeted back and went my way to the counter,

"Hello, can I have a strawberry cheesecake  and a decaf."

"That would be all ma'am?" The cashier asked and I nodded I paid and sat down waiting my order spending my time on social media

"Strawberry cheesecake and a decaf for Ms. Y/n?"

"Thank you" I said trying to get the tray he's handing me, but he putted his hand on mine gripping on it and looking at me

"Uhm thank you, you can let go" I said smiling uncomfortably

"Yah! Jungyeon! Mr. Park our manager is looking for you, you're in trouble" his co-worker said

Causing him to went to his senses "oh okay" he said caressing my fingers before he left

"What the fu--"

"Uhm ma'am anything you need?"

"Uh sorry for asking but why does your manager looking for your co-worker?"

"Oh it's because he's late at his first day //sighed; he is only a part-timer and he is late already"  he said and I nodded

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