Yedam:: New student & Please?

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Today is my first day of  school, well not really. I transferred to a new school again, you may ask why it's because my Father's work. My hometown is in Busan, now I'm at the airport to fly to Seoul, I even learned different kinds of languages like english, tagalog, japanese etc.


"YN wake up your dad's gonna drive you to school" My  mother said while she shook my body, I groaned and stretched my body "Okay mom" I said as I get up to take a  shower. After I put on  my clothes  I headed downstairs to meet my parents. I smiled and  greeted them "Good morning my lovely parents~~" I cooed, I laughed when my father  cringed "Good morning honey/princess" my parents greeted back.

"Sit  down eat some breakfast and take your time. it's still early" my mon said while setting up the table "okay mom" I replied..


"Good morning class" I heard the teacher greeted the students, "Today we have a new student Ms. Kim can you come in and introduce yourself?" My teacher said while gesturing me to come in her class. I nodded and shyly walk in the classroom, "Good morning everyone I'm Kim YN  I hope we can be friends" I said as I bow and smiled at them.

"Okay, sit beside Yedam. Yedam would you please raise your hand" My teacher said as I wait for a hand to raise but there's none, "Yedam-*sigh*" My teacher sighed as  he touch the bridge of his nose, "Just go to that student who is sleeping sweetie" she said.

I smiled at her as I made my way to 'that boy', he's laying his head down sideways on his arms, he has this fox like eyes\face. The teacher already started the discussion but I wasn't listening. I kept looking at the boy, he looks soft and innocent. ""Stop looking at me or else I'll tell the teacher that you're not listening" but his voice is....cold, I got startled by his sudden speech, I cleared my throat and straighten my posture. "So you aren't really sleeping." I whispered.

As I took a glance at him just to see him eyes wide open  with a  smirk plastered on his face looking  me, I quickly look away and bring my focus to the lesson. And it was awkward asf.

Time skip again tulululu~

I'm now at the library reading, obviously. Well class is over, now I'm waiting for my dad to come and pick me up. I got bored to the book that I'm reading so now I'm actually finding a book that will entertain me. Bingo! A fictional high school love story!. But... it's so freaking high! HOW AM I GONNA GET THAT NOW?! I still have like an hour for my dad to come and pick me up. But then I saw someone. YEDAM. I quickly headed towards him his back facing me, then I tap him with my finger so that I could get his attention.

When he looked at me he have this cold dark gaze, he raised an eyebrow questioning me of what do I need. "Uhm I just want to ask you if you could get me that book??" I asked while pointing the book with my finger, I fiddled with the hem of my sweatshirt as he took a while to respond, "No." he said short and dry, he was about to left but I got a hold of his right arm, "Please?" I ask in a small voice as I look at him, "Uh sorry I just really like that book" I said as I came to my senses, Now here I am trying my best to grab the book.

/Jump; No use, /Another jump; A waste of time. I sighed as I gave up. I turned around just to see a YEDAM stretching his arm out to grab something, I yelped at the sudden presence of him; 'bout to fall backwards landing on the book shelf, but he caught my waist and he adjusted his height so that he could face me. "Here you go shortie" He said as he give the book,  I took it while blushing by the sudden contact, "T-thank you and btw I'm YN not shortie" as I corrected him, he chuckled "Yeah right. Shortie~~~" He teased while ruffling my hair, "Heyy~" I whined, He laughed quietly, "See you tomorrow YN, enjoy the book" he said as he winked at me


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