Jeongwoo:: Stalker & Saviour PT.4(hopefully the last part)

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"Good morning hyung" Jeongwoo greeted to Hyunsuk

"Good morning, and oh Jeongwoo I'm going back to my place for a while to fix some thing. I'll be back as soon as I can for Y/n"

"It's okay hyung, I can manage"

"Gooood morning~!" Y/n said opening up her arms

"C'mon have breakfast with us, I cooked all of that" she said proudly smiling

He smiled and looked at the guys who eats hungrily

"And you guys didn't help her?"

"For someone's sake Jeongwoo she's an adult" Asahi said entering the dining area patting his shoulder

"Yeah I agree, and besides I love cooking so no worries" Y/n said shrugging

"Mhm by the way, I will be out for a while. I'll buy groceries so that you don't have to go to convenience stores when you're hungry in the middle of the night. The guys will be with you I'll take Asahi and Mashiho hyung with me, kay?" Jeongwoo said munching on his pancake

"Mhm okayy" she said

After a few hours(sorry I had to I have to finish this book ASAP)

Jeongeoo, Mashiho and Asahi went home but Asahi noticed that the door is unlocked

"Oh fuck no" he whispered

"Why hyung?" Jeongwoo said approaching Asahi with a ton of bags

"Y/n might be kidnapped shit!" He said busting in the house

"Wtf" Mashiho cursed when he saw his friends laying on the floor unconscious

"Hyung!! Hyung!! Are you dead?" Asahi said to Jihoon groaned and squirmed causing them to sigh in relief

"What happened?" Jeongwoo asked waking up the other guys.

"We just heard some thud noises upstairs knowing there's no one. We asked Hyunsuk to check upstairs and before we knew we passed out" Jihoon said

"Hyung? Where's Y/n?!" Nashik frantically asked

Everyone panicked,

"Yah calm down!" Hyunsuk said pressing his temples,

And everyone did calm down

"Jeongwoo! Track her phone she might've her phone with her" Hyunsuk said

He nodded and quickly went to his phone,

"At the abonded building at ****** street" Jeongwoo said frowning

"Stupid mother effer, doesn't even know how to hide", Asahi said scoffing

"Okay, the younger ones will be staying here except Jeongwoo. Call the cops after 10 minutes" Jihoon instructed.

"Let's go"

~At the abonded building~

"Eat." Jungyeon said to Y/n.

But she does nothing, she's just crying, trembling, and sobbing. The man scoffed , cupping her cheeks tightly facing him

"Babe c'mon don't be like that. Eat, and tomorrow morning we will fly to New York and start a new life there. Together." He said sweetly but disgusting to Y/n's ears.


"That's a shame baby, you're stuck with me baby. Forever" He said tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Don't be too relaxed, I know what you look like, I know your name."

"Are you threatening me? Hah that's cute"

"Now eat, or else" he said and slapped her real hard.

But she didn't, she cried and cried.

"Jeongwoo" she breathed out, she misses her friends. She want to spend time with them,

All of their memories together is replaying in her head. All the jokes, fun, and fights.

She hated it, she wants at least one last hug.

She doesn't want to go with him, but also she didn't want to die..

Y/n's POV

I'm tired, I wanna sleep...

When I was about to lose my consciousness I heard sirens, I quickly brought my head up and I saw red and blue lights.

"HELP!!!!" I shouted out in despair.

I stood up and banged the window as hard as I can

"Please!!!, I'm kidnapped! Help-"

"Y/n! I was cut off when I turned to see I saw Jeongwoo.

I cried and went to him, sobbing loudly on his chest.

"Ahh it's okay, we're here-" *BANG*

When I heard the gunshot I looked up and saw Jungyeon holding up his gun, but soon fell to the ground being shot by the police.

"JEONGWOO!" Junkyu called out rushing to his friend.

We dropped to the ground, me holding his face making sure he's conscious.

No no no he can't close his eyes no!

Jeongwoo held my hands that's cupping his face,

"Don't worry Y/n, we had help" he said smiling weakly. I eagerly nodded my head.

"Ma'am excuse me we'll take him in the ambulance" the rescue said and I obeyed them.

~in the hospital~

"I'm sorry ma'am but he has lost a lot in blood at the scene and now it's too late to recover him" the doctor said, my heart just shattered (idk if that's how it works lol, forgive me)

This can't be!

"No no no no no" I said chanting breaking down

"Y/n? Y/N!"

"W-what?" I said waking up,

"You crazy lady you're having a nightmare!"

A man said, his face is unclear.

I rubbed my eyes to make sure.

When I get a good look of him I immediately hugged him tight

"You died in my dreams you dumb head!!" I cried out

"Died? Pfft I wouldn't let myself die" he said hugging me back.

I pulled out from the hug and kisses him deeply.

I obviously felt that he was shocked, but soon kissed back.

"I love you" I whispered, connecting our foreheads

He smiled and cupped my cheeks

"I love you more" he responds

*Cough* we turned around and saw the WHOLE group

"Uh how long have you been there?" I asked

"The-the whole time, yep" Junghwan said, whose eyes being covered by Haruto. Yes the third youngest of us.

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