Haruto :: Neighbor & Hate PT1

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What the actual fuck?!

I thought when I opened my eyes, sleep being disturbed by the BLASTING music from the other house, I checked my digital clock on my side table and saw it is 3 A.M in the morning!


I angrily stormed out of the house and went to my neighbor banging the front door and pressing the door bell a couple of time, when it open my ear drums almost exploded. I looked up to see the tall handsome guy looking and frowning at me.

"Need anything?" He asked raising an eyebrow, I looked at him in disbelief , "WELL WILL YOU PLEASE TONE DOWN THE MUSIC WEAR SOME EARPHONES AND LET IT BLAST AND DESTROY YOUR EAR DRUMS!!!" I said while I shout at him.

"Tchh that's it?" He asks, "What are you, seriously?" I asked while glaring at him, he crunched down while looking at me, "Maybe your future boyfriend?" He said then followed by a smirk.

I gulped and went quite because of how close we were, and my heart is thumping speedily and loudly. FREAK! I controlled my composure and retorted, "You? HAHAAH pfftt what a nice joke to hear in three o'clock in the morning." 

"Anyways, will you tone it down?" I asked him, he smiled innocently and said "No." I rolled my eyes and groaned, "Ok, don't let me sleep until 7 A.M and let me have a quiz being tired. Have nice day sir. Bye." I said then walking out. 

I heard him sighed and closed the door, by the time I entered my room I realized that the music is gone now. Hm maybe he felt guilty?

I proceeded my sleep, and wake up the next morning.

I woke up get ready, ate my cereal and step out of the house. I am quietly walking but I felt like someone, No. Something is following me, when I look back I saw a car.

I guessed the driver noticed that I caught him, when the car reached beside me the back window went down revealing a annoying mother effing neighbor.

"What do you want mister?" I asked him while fastening my walk. "You know Yn it is no use you walking fast nor running, I'm using a car."

"Excuse me how do you know my name?" I said and stopped, "Park Yn right? Yeah I know you, you're my classmate" he said while smiling.

"But-but how can I not notice you?" I said while pointing at him, "BECAUSE you don't care about your surroundings" he said and rolled his eyes.

"Oh ok" then started walking again, "Yn wait!" he said sticking his head out of the window

"WHAT?!" as I snapped my body harshly to his direction, "Get in! Hehe" 
"None of your business"
"Please? Reject me again and I'll annoy you the whole day." he threatened and I just groaned and went in the car.

There's a awkward silence but I don't care anymore I just wanna finish this day.

~At school/ Lunch time~

I'm putting books in my locker then later flinched when it was closed by someone, I know who that 'someone' is, "Whooo what do you need Jinhae?" I said while looking at the bully in front of me.

"Hmm I just wanna ask why're you with Haruto earlier?" she said while curling her hair around her fingers, I looked at her with a weird face.

"Really dude? Stop."  I said as I walked out proceeds to go to my classes.

~~~After class~~~

I was reading my book while heading out of the school gate when I bumped into someone's chest, I looked up to see a smirking Haruto.

"I rode with you today so why're you here?" I asked uninterested 

"Wow not even a hi?" He asks whiles crouching down to level his height with me,

"Not in a mood" I said shortly, moved aside continue my walking and reading,

But then someone grabbed it, I looked up expecting who to see, 

"Really? You're not really gonna stop?" I said starting to get annoyed

"Don't you know what's stop, look, and listen?" He said

"I'm not even crossing down the street!!" I whined, only to receive a smiles,

"You're cute, now c'mon let's eat in a cafe" He then ruffles my hair.

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