Asahi:: Library & Introvert V.S. Friendly

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Yn's POV

  I happily entered the local library here, I've always been here, even the workers are familiar with my presence.   I'm not that genius girl who's only priority in life is getting high grades, nopeee. Though I can admit that I a smart and one of the top students in class. And you may think that I'm always here to study, well maybe yes if it's necessary for example I have quizzes and exams coming up. But usually I come here everyday to read novela's and love stories.

And..... there's this one guy who's been really interesting causing me to give attention to him. Though I've tried approaching him for the millionth time, he always give this expressionless look causing me to feel awkward and sitting in my original seat.  Yesterday I didn't give him any attention even one bit, I'm trying my best to ignore him but he keeps on looking at me making my heart beat fast and red tint being visible on my face. 

Right now I can't see him anywhere maybe I'm too early to arrive,  but then I heard the door screeched open causing me to look who's entering, and it's the introverted man, he seems surprise to see me but I shrugged it of and continued reading. 

Suddenly I felt someone is standing in front of me, when I lifted my head I saw the most handsome person. I smiled at him and I looked at him while he scratch his nape causing me to tilt my head. "Uhm need anything?" I whispered blushing.  " I just wanna ask if I can share a table with you?" he asked, "Oh sure!" I said while scooting to the other side of the chair.

~After some hours Asahi gather up some courage  to ask her something~

"Uhh by the way I'm Asahi" He started, "Oh Hi! I'm Y/n, are you Japanese?" I asked, "Yes I am" He whispered back. "Uh Y/N?" "Hmm yes?" I asked, "Uhm it's been a while since we always seen each other here but...we never interact so I wanna ask if I can get your number or something?" "Oh um okay give me your phone" I said as he hand me his phone, "There! Saved!" I smiled


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