Jihoon::Cute & Lap

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I was strolling around the mall while licking my ice cream, but then suddenly I was bumped by a tall man who's holding a phone to his ear and talking to someone. " No, I don't need your bestfriend to be my date" that's what he said before he bumped into me.

The bags I carried fell, ice cream all over his suit, and ice americano spilled on me. I'm not mad cause it's an accident so I just planned to apologize, but even before I open my mouth he speak. "Ugh!!! Can't you see where you walking young girl?!" he said while raising his voice a little, but not loud enough to attract people, "I'm sorry mister, I didn't see you" I said with my full sincere voice and kept bowing, he scoffed and said something before walking away, "Tsk, be thankful you're cute"

I blushed after I heard that, it's really rare for me to hear compliments from guys, especially from strangers. I went home and cleaned myself up to get ready for my Best friend and I's date. He's a boy, well a man he is still older than me his 21 and I'm only 18 so yeah.

I wore the clothes that I bought from the mall and again I remembered the guy that complimented me earlier *sigh* wish I could meet him again.

Time skip~

I'm right now at the ****** place, hyunsuk's place in short. I'm actually surprised to see two other guys, (it's junkyu and yoshi, I decided that I'll include the adult one hehe) I'm not complaining though, I think it'll be fun!

We were laughing, playing games, and drinking. Then suddenly we heard the door bell rang, I stand up and come to the door since I'm the only one who's not tipsy/drunk here.

When I opened the door, my eyes widened "y-you?" He looks away from his phone and focuses his gaze on mine, he looks confused.

"Hi? Can I ask why are you here at my friend's house?" He asks, "I'm Hyunsuk's friend" I said. "Where is he though?" "Drunk, come inside I need help to take care of them anyways" he nodded and I let him come inside.

I'm bringing Hyunsuk upstairs, his arm wrapped around my shoulder, the man that I bumped into is bringing both Junkyu and Yoshi, I'm surprised that he can carry them both, those two are huge.

Oh yeah I didn't ask him his name yet. "H-hey it's our second meet and all and I didn't know your name yet, c-can you tell me?" i asked nicely while struggling to carry the drunk boy beside me.

"Oh yeah, I'm Jihoon. You?" "Oh, I'm YN" I said while putting Hyunsuk's body down FINALLY! But when I was about to get up I stumbled on the blanket and Jihoon's behind me just finished putting the two bodies in the bed.

"AaaaHhhHh" I screamed a little then there's Jihoon trying to keep me up but instead he stumbled too, maybe because I keep stepping backwards.

That's when his body met the singular couch, he sat down hugging my waist tightly, and here am I still processing of what just happened to the fact that I almost have sprain.

Then I feel a breath on my neck, that's when I realize that I'm sitting on Jihoon's lap!!! Oh god oh god oh god!

"I-I'm sorry" I said while trying to get up but he held my waist tighter causing my legs to get weak and bounce back to his lap once again.

I heard him groan and him burying my body on his, "Don't move princess" he said while leaning closer . "O-okay".

I felt my cheek being held and my head turning to his direction, he looked into my eyes down to my lips. "You know, sometimes I wonder what heaven feels like" he said.

I'm kinda confused so I asked him, "What do you mean?", He smirked "Want me to explain?" I nodded cause curiosity is killing me.

He smashed his lips into mine, my eyes widened THE HELL THAT'S MY FIRST! I kissed back, following the small rythm of his lips. The lips were full of love? He smiled then pull me closer to his body.

He pulled out, he looked into my eyes "This is what I meant"

I smiled. "So? Kissing me feels like heaven huh?", "Definitely" he answered.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS! REALLY?! IN MY HOUSE?!!" Hyunsuk shouted, causing us to be startled.

"WHAT THE FUCK JIHOON?! I THOUGHT YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN HER?!" He continued, "Well...let's say I take that back" he said scratch his nape.

"WoOhoOoooOo LEt'S PartYYyyyyy!!!!" Junkyu shouted drunk, we shook our heads.

Then Hyunsuk pulling me out of Jihoon's grip, "Heyyy!" Jihoon whined while pouting, I giggled lightly 'cute' I mumbled.

"Listen Jihoon, if your planning to date my best friend better take care of her and don't cheat on her or I'll break your body into pieces" he threatened.

I blushed when he mentioned the word "date"

"Don't worry, I'll never hurt my princess" he said while smiling and looking at me, Hyunsuk rolled his eyes.

"Gosh continue this cringness  somewhere" he said, bitter being noticable in his voice. We laughed.

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