Jeongwoo:: Stalker & Saviour PT.3

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Writer's point of view,

Y/n is  now  left with the guys meanwhile Jeongwoo, Haruto, and Doyoung are at the mall buying security cameras, strong locks, and some pocket and folding knife that she can bring whenever she goes out without someone accompanying her,

"I can't believe that happened," Haruto said breaking  the silence

"Who do you think did that?" Doyoung asked

"Stalker" Jeongwoo mumbled

"Huh?" They said both in unison

"This isn't the first time that has happened," Jeongwoo said

"You mean her room  has  been wrecked like that too?" Doyoung asked

"No, but... there's been going strange lately. Like when I asked you guys  to sleepover at Y/n's place" He explained

"Oh yeah, speaking of we never knew what was the reason why you both just asked for a sleepover. Usually, we will plan about it" Haruto said

"I was about to visit her since it's weekend, I noticed that her window is open so I assumed that she's inside, but when I'm calling out for her there's no response. Then  I decided to call her that's when I knew that she's in the cafe.."

"And when I asked her if there are things that are lost she said her black panty.." Jeongwoo said

"So there's like a huge possibility that it is a stalker," Doyoung said

"Wait, what if it's the  delivery guy?" Haruto said and they looked confused

"I heard you Jeongwoo that he's the guy from the cafe that Y/n always go to, and he doesn't look like he's poor." 

"How can you say that?" Jeongwoo asked

"Duh? Didn't you see his jewelry? Rolex watch that has a lot  of real diamonds on it" Haruto said

"And we didn't even order the pizza," Doyoung said

"That jerk," Jeongwoo said with greeted  teeth

"Chill dude, we're not even sure. But we'll find out" Haruto said comforting him

They arrived at Y/n's house when they saw a guy looking through the windows,

"Excuse me? Can we help you with anything--- You?!" Jeongwoo said when he saw the guy from the cafe and that delivery boy

"Oh hi s-sir" 

Jeongwoo was about to confront him but chose to try and talk to him calmly

"What are you doing here? Do you need something?" He asked

"Oh Uhm I  was just looking if someone was here since I just moved into this neighborhood recently" 

Jeongwoo then nodded

"I'm sorry to offend you but what you were doing was scary and creepy, we have a baby girl in there she might get scared by you," He said

"I'm so sorry, I'll just go ahead,"  The man said turning around and about to walk away but Jeongwoo called him out

"Hey! Did you save up money to buy a house? Huh? It seems like it's huge and beautiful, too impossible to get bought by a part-timer at a coffee shop and pizza place" Jeongwoo said and the guy stopped in his tracks

"U-Uhm a friend gave it to me" 

"Oh really? Wow, I'm jealous, I hope I can meet that FRIEND of yours one day. So that I can have my own gorgeous house and my own Rolls-Royce car" 

"I have something to do, bye" He said running away

"Jeongwoo-yah?" A soft voice called and he melted right away 

"Why are you here by yourself?" she asked tugging his arm 

"Gosh, why are you so cute?" He said pinching her cheeks

"Let's go inside okay?" Jeongwoo said and Y/n nodded

"What are those?" She asked when she saw the bags that Doyoung and Haruto are carrying

"Safety things that we need here like CCTV etc" Haruto explained

"Okay, let me call a guy that can install those" Jeongwoo said taking out his phone

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