How They Met for The First Time

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Author's Note: Hi,

I wrote this as part of a series of super short stories 3 years ago. It's just been sitting there in my laptop, catching digital dust so I thought I'd post it here. It's...the story of how Ranvijay and Mahua met for the first time. This story is set at the start of their college days. Imperfect Two takes place towards the end of their college years.

I hope you guys enjoy it. I feel like you will. :)

I hope it brings that much-needed smile on your face during these stressful times. Here's sending you all tons of good wishes, good health, happiness and hugs!



The Story


"Since when did you start saying hello this politely over the phone?"

"Quiet now. I am in class."

"Then why on earth did you pick up the phone?"

"What if it was an emergency??"

He smiled at his sister's thoughtfulness and asked, "It isn't, don't worry. But wait hang on. How come you're speaking at a normal decibel if you're in class?"

She replied, "Eh because the professor has gone out for a bit and I'm really bored. So, what's up, brother?"

He sighed and replied, "I'm...bored."

She laughed and asked, "I am not surprised. Where are you?"

He looked around his surroundings and sighed yet again. He then replied, "The SIM card centre. I should have known this would take forever. My token number is 112."

"And what token number is going on at the moment?"


She burst out laughing.

He made a face and replied, "I didn't tell you this to laugh at my plight, you little dork."

She laughed anyway, only this time it was a put on evil laugh. He shook his head, half amused and half exasperated.

"So, I am supposed to entertain you whilst you're bored but I can't entertain myself? Tsk tsk. You, brother, are truly bothersome."

He let out a chuckle. He then heard a voice call out from behind him.


He looked around and saw a whirlwind of red pass by him. The next moment, he saw a guy up ahead laugh and wave at someone. The girl, dressed in a long flowy red dress, made her way to him and smiled. She then reached up and pulled the cap from the guy's head and plonked it onto her head. The guy grinned at her and turned the cap around backwards on her head.

He said, "There. Dude style." She smiled at her friend.

As he stood there watching these events unfold, he suddenly felt unreasonably happy looking at that smile. He then heard a voice from the phone near his ear.

"Who was that?"


His sister repeated, "I asked who was that? And why do you sound so lost?"

He looked at the girl in front of him and replied absently, "Oh um...just some girl in a red dress."

His sister asked with a hint of suspicion in her voice, "Red dress? Since when did you start describing people's clothes?"

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