Chapter 4

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She bit back a retort and humbly nodded to say, "Yes." As an afterthought, she added, "Please?"

He kept frowning as he said, "You realize I need this book, right? I spent time and effort on it. I can't just hand it out to whoever says 'please.'"

Just then she thought of a compromise and said, "Look, how about this? I'll photocopy your book. That way, you win and I win. What say?"

He looked like he had never heard of a situation where he had to share the trophy. She stood her ground waiting for him to respond. Then, he sighed, pulled out a sticky note pad and scribbled something on it. He then taped the note on the cover of the book and said curtly, "This is my address. I want it back within the hour. Understand?"

She stuttered, "It's...It's five hundred pages. How do I...photocopying takes time, you know?"

He made a face and retorted, "The test is just for eight chapters. An hour is more than enough. I will see you then?"

She bit her lip and nodded. As she stuffed the book back in her bag and looked up, he was already gone.

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