Chapter 17

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"Mahua, you can't close your eyes and read the noticeboard. And I'm not going to read it for you this time."

She peeked through her fingers and blinked helplessly at Dude. He shrugged and pushed her closer to the noticeboard. She took a deep breath, folded her arms tightly and faced the board.

"Suman...Suman...Suman...Okay, there it is...82."

Dude asked in astonishment, "Say what?"

Mahua read the number clearly again. Not 34...not even 35...82!

"Oh my Godddddddddd" She squealed in utter disbelief. She had never scored that high on a Maths paper. Ever. She didn't think twice. She didn't look back at the board or at Dude. She turned around and ran with all her might. Just the way she enjoyed running. She had worn a long flowy red skirt with a white tank top. The skirt billowed behind her as she ran with a big smile on her face. She ran until she spotted him. Then, she just ran faster. He was sitting on the front steps of the library checking his phone.

While she ran, she forgot the shyness, the awkwardness of the past few days and met his eyes as he looked up. He looked at her curiously and stood up slowly. He started to say, "Hey...." when she launched herself into his unsuspecting arms. She hugged as tightly as she could and tried to put all that she was feeling into that one hug before she chickened out or before anyone else came and ruined the moment.

He may have been shocked but he didn't let it show. He pulled her in closer. He realized she was standing on tiptoe again. It was because he was taller but he knew she only did that when she was happy and he took joy in that fact.

She smiled at the trees and the building behind him, her head perched on his shoulder. This was a nice place to be. After a few moments, she remembered why she was hugging him in the first place. She pulled back as quickly as she had begun and said in a rush, looking into his bespectacled eyes, "I passed!"

He flashed a confident grin and said, "I knew that would happen."

She shook her head and said, "No but I got an 82!"

His eyebrows went up in surprise as he said, "82! That is amazing!" He pulled her right back in for another hug and she tried to think what the best part of the day was. This or the 82 on the Maths test.

Tough choice. Good thing she didn't have to choose.

Author's Note: Happy Tuesday guys! :) - S

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