Chapter 5

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She was staring at the photocopied notes and they did not make sense. Again. Just when she thought things were on her side, Maths had to go and ruin everything. Why??? She was now standing outside Nerd Boy's house. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A girl of about sixteen opened the door. She had a pixie cut and was dressed in denim shorts and a yellow t-shirt. Mahua hesitantly asked, " this Ranvijay Malik's house?"

The girl smiled widely and said, "Yes, yes! And you are? Also how did you know he lives here?"

Mahua frowned and replied, "Uh...he gave me the address..."

The girl pulled Mahua inside the house and shut the door with a flourish. She then asked with a child-like grin, "My brother started giving out his address to girls now? There's something I didn't know. Well, he chose well, clearly. You're very pretty! I think you'd make a lovely couple!"

Mahua winced at the thought of Ranvijay and her as a couple. As the mental image formed in her head, she shuddered involuntarily. His frown would probably become permanent if he heard what his sister had just said. She hastened to correct the misunderstanding, "No, no. I'm just here to return his textbook. I am not his girlfriend. Does he even date?" She added curiously wondering if she had ever seen him ask a girl out. He could certainly have his pick of the girls. His sister smirked at her in return and said, "Jealous already, are we? He does date, by the way."

Mahua looked at her in shock and asked, "What? His organiser?"

The girl let out a loud bark of laughter and nodded. She said, "Oh my God! I was going to say the exact same thing. Okay, it's official. I like you!"

Mahua grinned back and said, "I like you too. Now, I have to return this book before your brother decides to report me to the college authorities." With that, she pulled out the book to show that her intention was actually to return the book and not to hit on the girl's brother. Her eyes widened as she saw the cover of the book and said, "And you say you're not dating him? This is his book right? It's bedazzled!"

Mahua shrugged and laughed to say, "I didn't know it was his. I was just decorating what I thought would be mine." And then she added "Forever" in a ghost-like whisper which made the other girl giggle. She then beckoned Mahua to follow her up the stairs. Without knocking, she threw open the door and marched in. Mahua stayed behind the threshold for she didn't want to intrude on his privacy. She looked at the walls that were covered with posters of all her favourite books. She then forgot that she was trying to respect his privacy and entered the room without asking and kept on studying the walls. Most of the space was covered with posters. She reached out a hand and touched one of the framed pieces and smiled. It showed the character with a hopeful look on his face. It was her favourite part of the book. She then turned around and found herself face to face with Ranvijay. She stumbled and took a step back. Did he ever not frown when he was around her? It must be a reflex action. She said, "I need to talk to you."

He looked over to his sister and said, "Raksha, do you mind?"

Raksha said, "By all means. I will see you later." She pointed at Mahua and walked out of the room.

Mahua set the book on his surprisingly messy desk and said, "I photocopied the book."

He nodded and asked, "I assumed as much."

She took a seat on the chair and continued, "I...can't understand the notes anymore."

He shot up an eyebrow and asked, "And that is my problem how?"

She breathed deeply willing herself not to whack his head and said, "I...need help...understanding these chapters."

He crossed his arms across his chest and said, "I feel like I'm repeating myself too often around you."

She looked up at him and said clearly, "I need your help, man! Do I need to spell it out?"

He shook his head and said, "No, you don't. I understood you perfectly well. What you don't seem to understand is that I don't have the time to teach people. I have enough work of my own."

She got up and walked over to where he stood. She levelled her gaze with his by looking up at him and said, "Please. I need your help. I have only this one chance to clear this test."

He replied unblinkingly, "The tutor's club can be of sufficient help here. I recommend you go to them."

She snapped, "They are as bad as our teachers. They think everyone learns at the speed of light. We are not all good at numbers, you know!"

With that, she realized her eyes were welling up again. Horrified, she backed away and sat in the chair focusing her gaze at the foot of the bed instead of his eyes. She saw his legs move in her line of vision and he was now sitting on his bed opposite her. She refused to look up until she had successfully blinked back the moisture from her eyes. From her blurry peripheral vision, she saw him move his head to one side. She subconsciously looked up and saw him studying her carefully as though she were a problem he was trying to find the solution to. Her vision cleared and she saw him suddenly in regular sight. He was not trying to solve the problem. He was just looking at her closely with no frown. He looked almost normal like this. Like a regular boy looking at a regular girl.

She said in a low tone, "I think you can help me. Will you?"

He reached over to the desk and slid over a tissue box. She eyed it and shot back hopefully, "Is that a yes?"

He clasped his fingers together and said quietly, "Yes. Just don't tell anyone. I don't need a line forming outside my house."

She smiled brilliantly and felt like hugging him. She hastily pulled the book from the desk and hugged it instead. She didn't need such thoughts clouding her judgement.

She flounced out of the room happily, her chunky bangles jingling her departure. She called out, "You won't regret this. Trust me!"

He sat still and muttered to himself, "And yet somehow I don't believe you."

Author's Note: Hey guys! I know! Another double chapter day today. :D I hope you're enjoying the story. I seem to have written quite a bit today, eh? Lemme know the verdict in the vote/comment section, will ya? Thanks! - S

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