Chapter 14

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"So how was the wedding?"

Mahua and Dude sat on the steps outside their classroom munching on chips after class. She had donned her "I don't care" denim shorts with a grey t-shirt. Dude had seen this outfit come out any time Mahua was not in the happiest of moods. Something must have happened at this wedding. It was only a matter of time until he found out what.


Dude laughed and asked, "That's it?"

She shrugged and replied, "It was like all other weddings. No big deal."

"Riiight. This is not what I heard from the other public present there."

She shot him a dirty look and asked, "Who else have you been fraternising with? Didn't have the time to talk to me but you managed to get info from other people?"

Dude raised his hands in surrender and said hastily, "Wow calm down. I was kidding. Do you really think I'm that bothered to go around talking to people about some random wedding? Okay change of topic. Um, how's Maths training going? Ranvijay brought you up to speed with all you need for the exam yet?"

She felt a sudden swooping sensation in her stomach at the sound of his name. Ugh. This was not good. She schooled her features for the fear of giving anything away and said, "Yup. All good."

Dude nodded and tried to think of something else that could be bothering her. He then asked, "Will you cover my shift at the parlour this Wednesday? I have some work Ma wants me to do...Mahua?"

He looked at her quickly when she didn't answer his question. She was watching someone. He turned his attention and saw Ranvijay walking with a hot girl dressed in skinny black pants and a long white sweater. She was smiling and listening to every word of his. Dude brought his attention back to Mahua and saw her impassive face. Mahua and impassive. Yup. Understood the problem. So Ranvijay Malik of all people. Although, from the looks of it, she didn't choose to feel this way. And if she wasn't telling him about it, she didn't understand it herself yet. He smiled and nudged her in the shoulders.

She look at Dude and cracked a smile at him. She asked lightly, "I'm in trouble, aren't I?"

He threw his head back and laughed. He then ruffled her hair and said, "Crushing on the college cutie, are we? How predictable!"

Her jaw dropped at that. She was never accused of being predictable. She was about to give him a playful punch when he hopped off his perch, cackled merrily and ran away. She jumped down, tossed the bag of chips in the trash and ran right after him, a smile lighting up her face.

Dude was the best.

Author'sNote: Sobecause I have some work later, I decided to be a good writer and write thenext chapter now itself. You know what, I'll publish the next one in a fewminutes as well since the next one is my favourite so far. You'll see why soonenough. - S

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