Chapter 20

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"In here, kid."

She spotted her father watching TV, his favourite show in fact. She hesitated and said, "I wanted to talk to you about something, Pa. I'll come back later? After the show is over."

He flicked the remote and switched off the TV.

"No no. Come here. What is it about? Did you register for that company? The one that's coming next week?"

She walked over and sat on the sofa opposite him. She looked at him and smiled. He mirrored her action easily. After all, they had the same smile.

She took a deep breath and said, "Appa....I don't want to pursue a career in accounting."

He turned towards her and looked at her curiously. She continued, "I know this comes as a shock to you. I've always talked about doing what you do and...walking in your footsteps and becoming successful in your field. But, I have a greater interest"

He repeated, "Art..."

She nodded and said quickly, "I know this is totally different and you might think I don't have any experience but I do...I've been going to classes and I've also been learning a new form of art at a tattoo parlour. There is also this...course that I want to do after college."

Her father sat there in stunned silence, his eyebrows now taking residence next to his hairline. She had this mad urge to giggle looking at his almost comical expression but somehow resisted.

After a few minutes, he finally said, "Mahua...You know, your mother liked art. She was very creative and had a lot of beautiful interests. Now, I've always known you take after her."

She remembered the silver frock with the bow. He took off his glasses and wiped it slowly with the hem of his shirt. He looked tired. She felt upset for making him sad in anyway. She was taking away his dream.

He then said, looking squarely into her eyes, "I don't understand why you had to hide any of this from me."

She sighed and said heavily, "Because I made you happy when I said I wanted to become just like you. And now I'm saying I'm like mom and I'm going to follow her footsteps instead of yours. And..."

He cut her off mid-sentence to say, "Mahua...I don't care."

She froze. What had she done? Had she managed to hurt her father as well in the span of one week?

He said, "I don't care what career you choose as long as you're happy. What joy is it going to give me watching you keep your dreams aside to chase after mine?"

She broke into a sudden grin.


He scowled at her for the first time to say, "What does that even mean, kid? Of course, really! And you're not following anyone's footsteps by doing what you like. You're walking your own path."

Her heart hadn't felt lighter in years. She truly felt free. Free to do what she liked with her father's blessing. Before she could say anything else, her father mumbled, "Now what other life-changing secrets have you been keeping from me?"

She giggled freely and said in a rush, "I like someone!"

He blinked. She realized how even though her interests may take after her mother, her mannerisms were just like her father's.

"And who is this person, may I ask?"

She shifted closer to her father and laid her head on his shoulder. He ruffled her hair and put an arm around her.

She said, "You've met him at Priya's wedding. Ranvijay Malik?"

He said in a teasing voice, "The tutor? My my! What have you been learning? The colour of his eyes? How dreamy he is?"

They burst out laughing together. She then said hesitantly, "But I think I've messed it up."

He looked down at her, peering through his glasses shrewdly and asked, "What did you do?"

"Something I intend to fix."

Author's Note: Next one coming up in a bit! – S

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