Chapter 18

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It was a good day to go to her favourite place. Atop the local hill, overlooking a gorge. Mornings were always packed with joggers. That's why she preferred evenings. Close to sunset. Perfect timing.

She felt happy about the way things had turned out. She had passed the test and kind of cleared the air with Ranvijay. Neha was still part of the picture. She had glimpsed her presence as the two hung out with a few other people at lunch time discussing B schools and the pros and cons of having an MBA before starting a company. Great. She even had the same goals as him. Well suited clearly. Good for them. While here she was panicking at the mere thought of placement season. The first company had already announced their dates. She was nervously staring at it the other day when she saw Ranvijay looking at her curiously from a short distance. She had marched off in the opposite direction before he could ask any insightful questions. She liked where things were between them after all. Why mess it up with unnecessary questions and confrontations?

She tucked a lock of hair behind her ear and crossed her legs to sit more comfortably atop her favourite perch.


When she didn't look back as she thought it was addressed to someone else, she found a presence next to her.

"Gah! Don't scare me like that!"

Ranvijay laughed and eased into a more comfortable position next to her. He was clearly jogging considering his choice of clothing.

She asked incredulously, "You run too?"

"Not really. I just felt like it today. You clear my head."

She asked curiously, "What does it need clearing of?"

He bit his lower lip and looked at her slowly, choosing not to respond. Then he commented, "I saw you the other day stressing over the placement announcements."

She didn't reply. She picked up a stray twig and tossed it from palm to palm.

He gently nudged his shoulder into hers and asked, "Why were you stressing?"

Dangerous waters. Tread lightly.

She replied despondently, "I don't know."

He replied instantly, "Of course you do."

She sighed and said in a small voice, "I don't want to do accounting."

He leaned back a little and said, "Why is that a problem?"

"It dad would be happy."

She knew a frown was forming on his face when he asked. "Your father wants you to do something you don't like?"

"It's complicated."

"Well then simplify it for me."

She asked sharply, "Why do you care?

He didn't back down. He said simply, "I just do. Tell me."

She looked at the gorge ahead and pictured the day. It was as clear as though it had happened yesterday. She took a deep breath and began to recite from memory.

"When I was a little girl, we had this thing called "take your daughter to work day" at my dad's office. It was a big deal. I was very excited. I had worn this frock my mother had made for me. It was silver and had a big bow on my tummy."She smiled as she pictured the dress. He smiled too looking at her.

"My dad took me to work that day and proudly showed me his work station and the new computers they'd just brought in. He is an accountant too, you know. He was so happy that day. I wanted to make him happier so I said, "Daddy, I want to be an accountant too. Just like you!" That smile on his face... It was like magic. I came home with a goodie bag in my hand, a stomach full of food and smile on my face."

Her face clouded over at this point. She could feel the sense of foreboding even after all these years. It was the same day her mother had sat her father down and explained to him that she was leaving him. Mahua was made to watch TV in the other room but she had caught snatches of the conversation, the tense tones and the sadness and confusion in her father's voice.

She had exhausted all the tears she had for this particular incident. So, even today, she just sat there with a stony look on her face.

She looked at Ranvijay and saw him observing her, listening to every word intently with a patient look on his face. He could sense that the story didn't end very well but he didn't want to rush her. She was finally opening up to him. So he sat quietly waiting for her to continue.

She made to get up abruptly and said, "I'm getting late."

He blinked and without even thinking twice, he held on to her arm to stop her. He said, "No wait. What happened after that?"

She shook her head and looked away from him. He persisted, "That cannot be the end of this story. That doesn't explain much."

At the end of her tether, she yanked her arm away from his grasp and said in a loud tone, "What are you looking for, man? Answers? Not every story has answers. Or a perfect ending with all the bows tied neatly."

He reached out for her again to say, "I didn't mean that. I'm just..."

She cut him off to say, "No." With that, she got up to her feet, dusted herself off and began to walk away. He caught up with her easily and said, "I'm sorry, Mahua."

She subconsciously swept her hair to one side and kept on walking. She didn't realize he was walking one step behind her. He caught her arm again and she asked irritably, "What?"

He said simply, "Your tattoo."

She blinked and forgot to be angry and hurt and confused for that one minute. She nodded self-consciously and said, "Yeah. I work at a tattoo parlour. You shouldn't be surprised I have one."

He gazed at it as though he had to commit it to memory. It looked like a small diamond with tiny sparks all around it. But it was attached to a stem. His eyes widened in surprise as he understood the meaning.

He murmured, "Magical Mahua?"

She turned around and looked at him. She was at a loss for words. Not many people had seen her tattoo. Fewer understood it. He was probably the only one who got it without her having to explain it.

He asked, "You drew this?"

She simply nodded.

He got this frustrated look on his face as he said, "You like doing this, right? Art."

She nodded again.

"Then why don't you pursue this? There's an art competition coming up that you'd be perfect for. Why are you going after something you have no interest in when you have exceptional talent and love for another field?"

She remembered her dad's crumpled expression as he came to her room later that night to tell her about her mother leaving and lost all patience. She said in a cold voice, "I did not ask for your opinion, Ranvijay. In case you didn't notice, I don't need your help anymore."

She realized what she had said but she realized it too late. He stopped talking. His expression completely changed. From one of frustration and pure concern, it became blank. Then slowly, the frown returned. The one that had taken her ages to get rid of. The one that looked like it was there to stay.

He said, "Point taken. I'm sorry I cared. I will stop."

Author's Note: Today, it's just going to be one chapter, guys. But it is a long one. It is also rather...emotional in a different way. It covers a lot about Mahua and her past but there are still questions left to be answered in the coming chapters. Hope you liked it. Seeya later? - S

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