Chapter 7

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"Where are we again?"

Ranvijay was looking around with a slightly confused expression on his face as though he had never been to this place. Wait!

Mahua asked gingerly, "You've never been to this place?"

He shook his head still observing the average-sized hall which had old wooden tables and chairs. They were mostly occupied by people of their own age. He noticed a few familiar faces and asked, "Am I supposed to know this place?"

Mahua widened her eyes and said, "This is Student Lounge. How can you not know this place? Like seriously? Do you roam around with blinders on and cotton wool in your ears?"

She expected him to give her another one of his trademark frowns. He caught her by surprise. He let out a chuckle instead at her open incredulity. In total shock, she said, "I need to sit. I didn't think I'd ever hear you laugh."

Continuing to chuckle, he looked around again and asked, "And where do you intend to sit? This place is rather full."

She said airily, "Leave that to me." With that, she flounced off to the manager's desk and exchanged a few words. He watched the waiters immediately set up another table with two rickety chairs near her. She gestured for him to come over. He slowly took off the bags from his shoulders and laid them carefully on the floor next to his chair and sat opposite her. He observed in begrudging admiration, "You seem to know your way around the place."

She shrugged and replied, "You have your skills. I have mine."

He nodded and asked, "Should we ask for the menu?"

She looked at him in awe and said, "You really don't know this place at all, do you?"

He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms across his chest choosing not to respond to the same question. She gazed at him in disbelief for a few seconds and answered, "Okay this place is known for one thing. Dosas. Get them. Forget this menu business."

He asked mockingly, "I don't get a choice in the matter?"

She made a face and said, "No. When you're with me, you rarely get a say in the matter." She looked at the waiter and gestured for him to bring two dosas. He flashed a huge grin at her and nodded vigorously. Ranvijay suppressed the urge to laugh.

As their orders were placed on the table, Mahua pushed his plate towards him and asked him to try the first bite. He looked down at the crisp, light brown dosa and then back at her. She was looking at him with a strange kind of sparkle in her eyes. Did she always look like this when she got excited? She let out a sudden grin to match that sparkle and caught him unaware. He hastily looked down at his food and took the first bite. He didn't realize how hungry he was. He managed to polish off the contents of the plate in ten minutes. Mahua giggled and said, "Good, right?"

He nodded at her and said, "Good enough to order another."

She promptly obliged and he looked at her in horror to say, "I just meant that in a way to explain how good it was. You don't have to actually order another one."

Ignoring him, she hollered at the waiter, "Anna, filter coffee also. 2!"

She resumed eating and said, "So you like to read?"

The waiter set the second order and coffee on their table. He took a sip of the coffee and nodded his appreciation.

"You noticed the décor of my room."

She smiled and said, "Very good fan art."

He set the glass down and said, "Speaking of art, why have I not heard your name more often? Your work is really good. Judging by the doodle on my bag that is. I am no expert."

She asked, "Why would you hear my name more often?"

He frowned. Again.

"Do you participate in art fairs? Competitions? Anything?"

She asked, "As in represent the college? Uh no thanks!"

The frown got deeper.

"I am assuming the question why is supremely redundant in this case. However, I shall ask anyway."

She said, "Eh. Come now. It's getting late. Let's get you back to your precious schedule."

He shot back swiftly, "So only you are allowed to ask the questions."

"I didn't ask any questions. I only asked for help."

He studied her as she refused to give away anything else on the subject. He took it as a dismissal and bent to pick up the bags.

She gestured the waiter to bring the bill and refused to let him contribute when he tried to pull out his wallet. She said, "I told you! My treat. You can pay next time."

With an impassive face, he asked, "Is there going to be a next time?"

Her smile returned like a jolt of lightning. Quick and out of nowhere.

"This is only the beginning, my good man."

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to my lovely friend, O! Belated happy birthday O! Hope you had a great day and I'm sorry for updating this chapter so late. Have a fantastic year ahead! :D - S

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