Chapter 1

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Author's Note: Hi guys! So I'm back as promised with a new set of characters and a new story. It's a different setting and I'm hoping you'd enjoy it nevertheless. :) In anticipation of your feedback, I sign off today. – S

Chapter 1


Professor Lucy stopped short as she heard the low whisper. She turned around and walked back to the girl who was staring at the noticeboard. She was dressed in a long, flowy bright red dress and blue denim jacket over it. Her hair was billowing in the wind, long, straight and shiny black.

"Is something the matter?"

The girl looked at Professor Lucy, her eyes slightly watery. She whipped her head back and blinked furiously and then cracked a smile when she met her eyes again.

"Hi ma'am! Uh no...nothing much."

The older woman watched her shrewdly and asked, "Mathematics being an area of concern again?"

The girl played with the strap of her bag and nodded slowly. She pointed at the board. Professor Lucy looked at the sheet closely through her glasses and read what was causing the emotional upheaval.

"Suman, Mahua – F"

"Oh dear..."

Mahua smiled weakly and said, "Don't worry, ma'am! I will figure it out."

Professor Lucy asked, "Aren't you supposed to clear the next test or repeat the year?"

The girl sighed and said, "Yeah..."

The teacher patted her on the shoulder and said, "Why don't you join the tutors' club? You can trade in tutelage in a subject you're good at in exchange for...well...Maths."

Mahua shook her head vehemently and said, "No way! I mean thanks! I will...pick up a reference book or something from the library. Yeah that's what I'll do. Thank you ma'am!"

With that, she raced past the teacher and made her way towards the library, her dress flowing in her wake.

In the Library

She stood staring at the huge shelf and her jaw was about to drop. What was this? How was she going to find one book in this lot to help her out of the mess she had put herself in? She pulled out one of the fat tomes and stared at the cover. Advanced Calculus. Perfect! She didn't follow basic Calculus. How on earth was she going to read an advanced version of the subject? She rummaged in her bag, pulled out a strip of gum and popped it into her mouth. Okay! Now focus. What book would be good? After twenty minutes of scanning the shelves in utter futility, she lowered herself on the bench closest to the Maths aisle. Drumming her fingers, she saw a pile of books on her left. She peered and read the title of the one of top. Ha! This was our textbook, wasn't it? She had lost hers in the second semester. Or it must be under her bed catching dust. She never understood anything anyway. Maybe, this was the book to start with. She pulled the book to herself and flipped it open to a random page. Her eyes slowly widened as she read the regular text along with a vast section of notes, neatly written in the blank space. It should have looked messy with the lack of white space but it didn't. Everything was strangely systematic. Almost as if the person who had written it had planned the way the page would look in his/her head before writing. She read a formula and then looked at the writing and for the first time, began understanding the formula. The writing provided a simple example with precise arrows to each part of the formula. She shut the book and read the title again. They may as well have called it "Mahua's Guide to Passing Maths." She grinned and hugged the book to herself. She pranced to the librarian's desk and saw that the seat was empty. She looked at her watch and freaked. She was so late for art class. She stuffed the book in her brown bag and strode out without a second thought.

Ten Minutes Later

The librarian relaxed into his seat with his precious cup of afternoon tea. He was just about to take the first sip when he saw a shadow looming over him. He sighed and looked up. He asked grumpily when he saw who it was, "Something I can help you with?"

"I am missing a textbook."

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