Chapter 16

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Footsteps were heavier today. But time ran like the wind. She knew she should hasten but she just couldn't get her feet to quicken their steps. Adrenaline was rushing and not in a good way. She felt horribly queasy and had skipped breakfast. She knew that was a bad idea but she just couldn't help it. She was on her third wad of gum and it was only nine in the morning. She was wearing a slim gold watch to keep track of the time which was a rare occurrence for her. She touched the charm bracelet around her other wrist. It was her lucky charm. Dude had gotten it for her from a fair when they were kids. It was an unlikely gift from Dude who preferred to take her out to eat instead. He knew her love for food but this one time, he had broken tradition. She wore it for every occasion she needed that extra shot of good luck and it always worked in her favour. She certainly needed it today.

It's not like as if she hadn't given stressful exams before. There were too many to even count. But this was more difficult than before. Even though for the first time in her life, she was confident of knowing the material well, she had this added pressure of knowing that if she didn't do well, she would let someone down. Someone she didn't want to let down. Sigh.

She finally reached the designated classroom and walked in to find her bench occupied. Dude was sitting atop the desk talking to Ranvijay who took the more sensible route of the chair. She trudged along to the spot and found Dude looking her way. He stopped talking mid-sentence and raised a hand to wave at her. Ranvijay turned around and gave her a small smile.

Things had gone back to normal on the surface between them. They had met in the library and had worked on the remainder of the lessons. He was as patient and kind as ever explaining what she didn't understand, repeating when she didn't follow, holding her hand metaphorically the whole time. But he didn't speak to her the same way. There was no playful banter. He didn't tease her. Neither did she. After that eventful day in the library, they had reached a kind of understanding. An understanding she hated but kept up with.

Dude said, "Mahuamuff! There you are! We've been waiting for you for fifteen minutes."

She smiled. Dude always knew what to say to make her feel better. He knew she was feeling awful about the test. She had bugged him the whole of last week, talking little else.

He jumped off the desk and pulled her into a bear hug. She felt her nerves calm down to a certain extent. He pulled back and said, "I'm sure Ranvijay has done a great job of teaching you. Break a leg, kid."

She nodded slowly and grimaced. He laughed, squeezed her hand for comfort and walked out of the classroom. Ranvijay stood up from her seat and surveyed her slowly.

After a few moments, he said, "You look green."

She pulled out her pencil case and set it atop the table. His eyes wandered over to it and spotted a miniature version of the same doodle she had drawn on his tennis bag. The expression on his face changed. Mahua looked mortified as she turned it upside down to hide the drawing.

He moved closer to her and she thought she would stiffen but she didn't. She wanted that hug and she didn't care how she would think about it later. But the hug never came. He just raised his hand and held it in front of her for her to shake. She felt a sharp pang of disappointment as she raised her own hand and placed it in his.

"I know you'll do well, Mahua."

She smiled. This was the first time he was using her name to speak to her in person without introducing her to anyone else. She said, "It will all be you, Ranvijay."

Author's Note: Continuing to write the next one. Seeya sooner than you think. - S

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