Chapter 11

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"This is a study hall?"

Ranvijay frowned and looked around. Everything looked exactly like the library hall from college. Desks, chairs, books. In fact, he could even guarantee some of the chairs were rickety. Why was she surprised?

He sat down at his usual desk and pulled out his books. He glanced at his bedazzled Maths book and let out a small smile. As he looked up, he saw Mahua was still standing. She walked away from him and stood near the window. She looked back and gestured for him to join her. He sighed, got up and strode over to where she stood. She was standing on tiptoe. She didn't need to. She could easily see out the window. But she was excited and her normal height was not good enough to exhibit that according to her.

She pointed out the window and said happily, "There's a bougainvillea tree out there. Look at those colours!"

He obliged. The colours were beautiful. He started to say something when he looked at her instead and felt his thoughts getting derailed. Her eyes were shining again and they were focusing on him.

He remembered what he wanted to say and said it rather dryly, "So?"

She widened her already huge eyes and exclaimed, "So? You want me to sit here and study while nature is offering its best out there? No way! We're going outside. Look there's even a bench. We'll sit there and study."

Before he could say anything, she walked back to the desk, cleared all the books back into his bag, hoisted it onto her shoulders and came back to where he stood next to the window. She clutched his wrist and pulled. He shook his head resignedly and let her walk him out to the bench.

The weather was nice. There was a fresh, cool evening breeze. Light and just about enough to make some of the pink and purple flowers fall to the ground, littering it but in the best way possible.

As he opened the books, she asked lightly, "Soooo...did car girl call you?"

He gave her a look before going back to finding the right chapter. While flipping pages, he asked, "I thought you were all about not asking unnecessary questions."

She waved her hand dismissively and replied, "That is for other things. This situation I created. I have all the rights in the world to poke my nose."

He uncapped a pen and started writing as he said, "Then I have all the rights in the world to keep my mouth shut as well."

"You found her cute, didn't you?" She didn't know why she was asking this again. She had already heard him say it once at the signal. What was she trying to understand by hearing it again?


She looked around and found Priya walk toward them. Priya was also in their class. She was one of the pretty and smart girls and was already engaged.

"Hi Priya!"

She flashed a smile and said, "Hey Mahua! Ranvijay! What are you doing outside? Shouldn't you be studying inside, what with your fancy VIP pass and all?"

Mahua let out a loud snort at that. Ranvijay frowned at her and went on to smile at Priya.

"I would have. Mahua here however, prefers wasting time staring at flowers and birds instead of studying Maths."

Mahua made a face at him and said, "So what's up, Priya?"

Priya made an apologetic face and said, "Right. Um, so I realized I've invited everyone, even your father but not you! I am such an airhead. You'll come to the wedding, right? It's this weekend. Uncle has the invite with all the details."

Mahua grinned and answered, "Wouldn't miss it for the world. And no sweat. Don't worry about it, yeah? I know how hectic weddings must get."

She smiled with relief and said, "Thanks! You're such a sweetheart! I'll see you there then. Can't wait! Bye Ranvijay!"

As she walked away, Mahua turned around and asked Ranvijay, "How come she didn't invite you?"

With another half smirk, he teased, "I'm not as forgettable as you are. I was invited ages back."

Author's Note: Well, that's all for now, folks! I'm dedicating this chapter to my friend, F for entertaining me with her fascinating incidents. They're always a joy to listen to. I hope I do an equally good job here. :)

Hope to see you at Priya's wedding! Until then - S

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