Chapter 13

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He was now right in front of her. He cracked a smile too just for her. Up close, he was even more handsome. She should have expected that. He was a good looking guy in general. But he would always look so systematic every day with the combed out hair and the starched formal wear and the shiny black shoes that his charm kind of got lost behind the veneer of the good boy. Today, however, he was different. His hair was casually messy, a stray lock daring to flop over his forehead. The kurta was crisp and neatly ironed probably but he looked so much more relaxed. At ease.

She was ogling. Not the best thing to do. This was Ranvijay! Ranvijay, her classmate, her tutor, her...friend. Then he called out her name and broke the odd trance she was in.

"Mahua, I'd like you to meet Neha. Neha, I think you're familiar with Mahua?"

She flicked her gaze toward the girl standing next to him.

Car girl.

Aw man.

She was even more stunning up close as well. It was like they were meant to be. Neha and Ranvijay. Both were gorgeous representatives of their respective species.

Mahua extended her hand and said the only thing she could think of, "Hey! Wow you're really pretty."

Neha's grin widened at that and said, "So are you! I love what you're wearing. Where did you get that skirt?" She bent down a little and felt the material of the skirt. She raised her head and said, "Wow, this material is lovely."

She herself was dressed in a dark pink saree that made her look flawless. Mahua smiled weakly and trailed off, "Uh...I got the skirt from Delhi and um put the border myself."

Neha widened her kohl-lined, brown eyes and smiled to say, "Really? Well that's amazing! And I never got the chance to thank you for introducing me to Ranvijay. You know, I would never have had the guts to talk to him even though we're in the same college. He's...kind of...unapproachable."

Mahua shot back with scrounged up wit, "Yeah he's our resident charmer, alright."

Ranvijay chuckled and said to Neha, "Why don't you find a seat for us? I'll come find you."

As she walked away, Ranvijay focused his gaze on Mahua. He took in her outfit and let out a slow smile. He said, "Looking good, chief!"

She felt a rush of happiness that seemed ridiculous considering the person causing it. She went, "You're one to talk."

He replied with a confidence she hadn't noticed before, "I do what I can..." Then he gestured toward where Neha was sitting and said, "Catch you later?"

Not knowing what else to say, she nodded and watched him walk away.

She spent the whole wedding sitting in the same row as them but a few seats away with her dad wondering why she felt happy one minute and rotten the next. She wanted to send a message to Dude but she knew he would be fast asleep again and wouldn't be of any use. Then again, if she herself didn't know why she was on an emotional rollercoaster, how would Dude help?

She'd think the morning couldn't go any worse when she spotted something that made her thoughts sway even further. As Ranvijay kept the flowers he had brought on a table with the rest of the gifts, a stem got stuck in the top button of his kurta and tugged it to reveal something she never thought she'd see on someone like Ranvijay. Ink. He had a tattoo! She spied to see the letter N before he untangled the stem and pulled back the fabric to hide the ink. He caught her looking and unsettled her mind further by winking and walking back to his date.

Racing heart: Calm down a bit.

Author's Note: So much news, such less time. But action-packed chapters, right? I hope you guys had a great time at the wedding. I'll see you back at college? Maybe in the library? Yeah? :) - S

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