Chapter 8

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She turned around and saw the guy who she had helped with the design yesterday. He was probably here to get the tattoo done today. What was his name?

"It's Atul..."

Her confusion must have been transparent. She smiled and said, "Hey man! Finalized the design?"

He nodded enthusiastically and said, "Yeah I'm going with the one we selected yesterday."

"That's great!"

He sat in one of the seats. She wondered what else she could say. He saved her the trouble instead.

"Listen...I was wondering..."

She asked hesitantly, "Yeah?"

He then said, "Do you want to...go out with me some time?"

She blinked. She then saw Dude walking in and tried to wave at him. Atul looked back and then again at her waiting for her to respond. Dude walked towards them slowly.

She then decided to be honest. She said, "Um, thanks man. Really. That's very sweet of you. I'm someone else now. Sorry."

Dude raised his eyebrows as he heard the last bit. Atul nodded and said, "Sorry I didn't know that. I thought I'd give it a shot. No sweat. Seeya around?"

She smiled gratefully and said, "Yeah seeya!"

As Atul ambled away, Dude leaned on the counter next to her and asked, "You're dating Ranvijay now?"

She smacked her forehead vigorously and squealed, "Noooo! Don't be silly! He's my study buddy."

"Then why did you turn down this fella?"

She looked at Dude and said, "Come on, Dude! You know he's not my type."

Dude made a face and said, "He is exactly your type!"

He then pushed himself off the counter and sank into one of the chairs, making himself completely at ease and rambled off counting on his fingers, "If I remember correctly, Mr.Mahua should be smart, funny, hot and a badass. Well he seems to be all of that. What gives?"

She scrunched up her nose and exclaimed, "Aha! You missed one point!"

"He doesn't have a great ride? Really? You're turning him down for that?"

She shrugged and said, "What? It's important for me! I like long rides and if I have a cool ride, so must he!"

Dude shook his head in amusement and said, "You're talking like a teenager. Anyway, are you done?"

She nodded and said, "I have to go to the library again. Maths calls."

"Seeya...wouldn't wanna be ya!"

She laughed and said, "I wouldn't wanna be me right now. Let alone you!"

With that, she strode out the door. She was pulling out a stick of gum from her bag when she looked up. She did a double take when she saw someone riding her favourite bike. And it was in her favourite colour. Shiny black. What a beauty! She whistled under her breath. The bike stopped in front of her. She smiled. Now this guy was more her type. He was dressed in all black as well, shirt, jacket and jeans. She walked up to him and said with an appreciative grin, "Hey! Nice bike!" He pulled off his helmet and said, "Why thank you!"

Author's Note: Since it took me 2 days to update, I'm going to publish 2 chapters. :D - S

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