Surprises Revealed

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"My Queens," Jane said quietly but we could easily hear her, my golden Queen started to descend the steps, so that she was able to take Janes hand into her own and understand why she had disobeyed what we has said.

Whilst Sulpicia read Jane's thoughts, the small blond vampire turned head to look other at where I sat, but when you looked at where her gaze was focused you clearly see she wasn't looking at me at all instead the young girl who it seemed has fallen asleep in my arms, Jane's face held something rare a smile, Jane's smiles were almost as rare as Athenodora's, (she only smiled when around me and Sulpicia as all mates would and the fact that me Cia have our ways of bringing that smile out.) Even though Jane was clearly smiling at my human girl for some reason, I still felt the need to bring her in closer towards me just to reassure myself that she was safe and no harm would come to her.

"Ah see," Sulpicia had finally spoken her voice was soft but clearly she was contemplating something she had seen and that only made me squeeze the girl that bit tighter, but not tight enough hat it would hurt her. Clearly I hadn't mistaken Cia's use of voice because Dora had also come straight to my side and placed her hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight reassuring and protective squeeze.

We both faced Cia with looks of concern and worry, well more my face was one of concern and worry, Dora's to the people who didn't know her was one of neutral caring but when you looked at her eyes they told a completely different story. We waited in anticipation for Cia to finally speak and finally she did "It seems, our dearest Jane has found her mate," Cia said and her face changed back to her usual face of a child's excitement (definitely the cutest child ever hahaha.)

Wait the little snow white girl in my arms is Jane's mate, well I must say fate works in a very funny way. After a moment or so Jane started walking up the steps clearly wanting to see her mate and as she a approached me and the sleeping girl, she paused just a few steps away from the to of us clearly waiting for permission, I hesitated slightly and turned my head to look up at Dora and then to Cia and both of them nodded in consent so I did the same and then aloud Jane to come closer. Once Jane was mere centimetres away from her mate, she raised her hand ever so slightly and placed it gently to the sleeping girl's cheek and started to gently stroke her pale yet rosey skin with the side of her hand .

Jane's POV,

With the nods of all three of my Mistress' heads I was finally aloud to be near my mate. I made my up the marble stairs and came to just in front of Queen Didyme who still seemed slightly apprehensions but didn't hesitate and brought my hand so I could brush it lightly across her beautiful smooth cheek.

As I continued to caress her soft skin, even in her sleep her thin pink slips curled slightly at the corners into a small, almost unnoticeable smile, but I noticed and I would always notice everything she would do, from the smallest action to the largest gesture, I will always notice and even though I am yet to know my mate properly, I will always love her for everything she does.

"Jane, Didyme, Athenodora I believe our little girl is I need of some much needed sleep, Didyme why don't we take her to our rooms so she can rest?" Mistress Sulpicia and silently question to all three of us and as soon as she said the words 'Our little girl' my un-beating heart seemed to melt and flutter at the same time but it also tightened slightly, since she didn't just address me and I know realised that my Queens had a connection to my mate to, and I didn't like the idea, call me jealous all you want but the day you find your mate don't go telling me that you didn't just want them to belong and be around just you and only you.


Hi guys chapter 11's now out and boy I think I've done pretty well with this chapter, did you all enjoy the surprise in this chapter, wow Anna and Jane are mates. Were any of you guys expecting that, please let me know in the comments down below, I would so love to know what you thought and I'm intrigued as to whether any of you guys guessed it.

As always I hope you all enjoyed, and as usual please make sure to vote and comment next chapter will be out tomorrow, Hope you all enjoyed. Until next time my fabulous readers.

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