Didyme's Day: Part 2

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We were now inside the shopping centre, and I was just a little bit excited to start shopping. "So which shop first?" Didyme asked as she gestured to the many surrounding shops. "Um, New Look I think."
So we both headed straight for New Look which was huge. I ran inside like a kid on Christmas, Oh God that sounds like I'm describing Sulpicia. I couldn't help but internally laugh at that.

Immediately I hit the rails, looking through every item of clothing. Ten minutes in and I had already found: two tops, one skirt and a nice dress scarf.

even Didyme seemed to be looking at some stuff when I peered over the railings making sure she was still here, though she seemed to be looking at them a bit confused, especially when she picked up a crop top.
"Didyme I think I've got everything I want from here," I walked over to her and let her know that I had found some stuff I liked. Together we headed to the till to pay, and when it came to hearing the price I nearly tripped over air.

£35! for four items that's ridiculous, I had actually forgotten how expensive some of these shops were, when there wasn't a sale on.

"Didyme are you sure?" I asked before Didyme had payed, "Yes I'm sure sweetheart," She whispered back to me paying before I could interject again.

Now out of New Look, I wasn't sure where to go to next, "Didyme is there anywhere you want to go," It was as if every store in existence had suddenly left my head, and I couldn't remember any of them.
"No not really Ana, but if your stuck for shops, why don't we go to Oasis?" That was a perfect idea, I hadn't been there in quite a long time. "That sounds great Didyme." And so we headed to Oasis.

We had now be looking in Oasis for about ten minutes and I had actually found two dresses I really liked. When I had finished looking around I saw Didyme waiting for me with a pretty pink and white dress in her hand.

Once again we headed to the till to pay, Didyme paying for my clothes first, and then I just remembered I had brought my grey backpack with me, which means I had about £40 on me, and then when I caught a glimpse of the price tag, on the pink and white dress Didyme had grabbed, I had an Idea.
I had quickly gotten the money out of my bag, without didyme noticing and Just before she payed for her own I interjected. "Here you are," I said to the lady behind the till, handing her the money before Didyme could pay with her card.

"No Ana you don't need to do that," Didyme looked to me, "well to late, and anyway I want to," I smiled up at her and quickly grabbed the shopping bag containing her dress and running out of the shop before she could return it.

I was out of the shop as quick as I could with Didyme's dress, and when I turned around, I saw Didyme speed walking up to me at a human pace. Her face looked slightly mad, but I could tell deep down she was really happy.

"Here you go, my gift to you," I told her, as I passed her the shopping bag, which she took off of me. "Ana you really didn't have to do that," She scolded but really I couldn't be happier.

"Yes I did, you've bought me all these beautiful clothes the least I can do is pay for something you really wanted," "But..I" I quickly cut her off before she could finish, "No ifs, ands or buts, I wanted to," That seemed to silence her, but she really did seem happy and smiled at me with one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen.

"Why don't we have a lunch break?" Didyme asked, as we walked down and past some over shops coming up to a little café. "That's sounds amazing," and when I sat down at the table we had chosen, I breathed out a sight of relief, happy to put the bags down.

We or should I say I, ordered my food and Didyme had gotten a water, I think to hold up appearances, and we just sat waiting for my food to arrive.
"Have you had a nice time so far, Ana?" Actually I've had a lovely time, it was amazing to be out and to be shopping, and I had actually loved having Didyme as company today.

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