Grow up and Forget?

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"So where to now," I asked her, when we broke apart from the hug, "Well I thought I'd show you my favourite room in the castle." I tried thinking of what room that could be, "Is it your study?" I asked jokingly, "Haha very funny, nope guess again," I started to think seriously for a minute, "Is it one of the living rooms?" She said no and now I was just stumped as to what it could possibly be.

"Why don't I just show you?" She asked I nodded knowing I probably wouldn't guess it. "Hop on," she told me as she bent down clearly telling me to get on her back, and I just had to laugh, "No way," I was not getting a piggy back at the age of 15, nope not happening.

"Oh come on, it'll be quicker," to be fair it would definitely be quicker, so I caved in and climbed on her back, "ready?" She asked and I shook my head knowing this would be fast.

And she was off, as she ran I kept my eyes tightly closed, I did not want to fall off. Before I knew it, I once again felt the ground beneath my feet, "Ana you can open your eyes now," Oh right I forgot I had them closed.

I Opened my eyes and once again was presented with a pair of doors, yay how exciting. Didyme walked up to the doors and opened them, I followed her in and when I did I saw the biggest library I had ever seen.

"WOW!" I gasped out as my voice echoed off the walls, "I thought you might like it," I couldn't put into words how incredible it was, all I could say was wow.

It was incredible there were rows and rows of books, massive windows that touched the ceiling over at the back and when I walked in a little further, I could see that there was a downstairs level and upstairs.
This room was literally the definition of heaven. "I don't think I've ever seen so many books in my entire life," I told Didyme, as I span around taking in everything.

"I'm glad you like it, it's my little safe haven from work," I could understand why it would be, you could spend hours just looking at all of the titles, and years just trying to read them all.

"Can I have a look?" I asked with nothing but excitement I couldn't wait to see what books there were. "Of course you can, go a head, you need me and I'll just be sat by the windows," immediately after Didyme had finished speaking I went over to the first book case.

I ran my finger's along the spines of the books, some of them looked brand new and others looked centuries old, I just couldn't believe it. Nearing the end of the third book case I had looked at, I found some books that got me really excited.

"You have books from the Tudors?" I screamed out, I just couldn't stop myself from jumping up and down, I can't believe it, there were prayer books, a book written by Katherine Parr, and, wait how is this possible it can't be real.

There was book a Titled, Elizabeth I's Diary, I was in shock, this couldn't be real. I gently caressed the spine of the book with the tips of my fingers. I had contemplated picking it up and reading it for about five minutes.

I just couldn't stop my excitement or curiosity and I just had read it. I gently picked up the book, being as careful as I possibly could be. I walked slowly over to the windows, where Didyme had said she'd be sitting, and when I turned a corner I saw a small seating area in front of the window.

Didyme was sat on the couch with her legs tucked under herself. I walked over to the couch and popped myself next to her, "Did you find something to read sweety," I looked over to her and nodded, "I sure did, but I just can't believe you have it, is it even real?" I gestured to the book in my hands, then Didyme bent over slightly to see which book it was.

"It sure is," She reassured me that it was indeed real, "But how do you get it?" I just had to know how she acquired it. "Well the library is actually my domain, much like how Cia has the kitchen and Dora has her only special place, and I got that particular book as a birthday present when I turned 1,000."

Wow how old is she now then, I can't believe she's over 1,000, "Wow you don't look a day over 22," I complemented, and yes thanks to Janey, I'm well aware vampires are frozen at the age they were turned.

"Aw thank you Ana, I'm actually 3,024 but I was turned at 24," Wait she's how old, 3,024, just give me a minute I just need to process that. "Your how old, wow how olds Sulpicia and Athenodora then?" I questioned feeling a little more than curious.

"Well let me see, I'm the youngest both actually and physically and dora's the oldest, so Cia's 3,102, and that makes Dora 3,200," Wow so they're all pretty old.

"Oh I'm only fifteen, well I'll be sixteen in three weeks," I'd actually forgotten it was nearly my birthday, with everything that's gone on these past two-ish weeks, it was weird to think I was almost 16, where's my life gone, I just wanted time to slow down, I didn't want to grow up.

Thinking about growing and then thinking back on my childhood, always made me upset, I just didn't want to grow up. I didn't want to leave my childhood behind and all the memories I've made, I just wanted to stop growing up, it scared me.

I then felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, as a couple of tears dropped down my cheeks as I gazed out of the window into the night sky. "Ana baby are you alright," Didyme spoke so quietly, but just loud enough to snap me out of my thoughts.

I quickly wiped away the tears with the sleeve of my top, but it didn't work those tears were only replaced with more and then more again. I began to cry and I couldn't stop, I didn't want to grow up and forget.
Forget the day I learnt how to ride a bike, or when I went ice skating for the first time, or my first day at High School, I wanted to stay this age forever, and not grow up.

I cried, and Didyme brought me into a hug as she stroked the back of my head, and drew circles on my back, as my head rested on her chest and I cried into it.

"Hey baby it's okay, what's wrong sweety?" At that moment getting older was the problem. "I....I..I don't want to.. grow up and forget," I continued to cry.

"Oh sweetheart it's okay, please don't cry about that, it'll be okay, you wont forget, you want to know how I know that?" I pulled back slightly and sniffled, "How?"

"Because your one strong girl, with a heart of gold and a sharp mind, you wont forget because you'll keep remembering, and guess what?" I looked up at her with a red nose and eyes. "You'll make new memories here with me, Jane, Cia, Dora, the guard, you have so much to look forward to.

I know for a fact Jane loves you more then anything in this world and I know she wants nothing more then to make new memories with you.

Me, Cia and Dora will always love you and do anything for you even if you just want to, I don't know, go down to the beach for the day with us, we're your mothers and your our baby girl we'll always be here for you, through everything. Even the guard will want to hang out with you, and take you on missions with them."

Didyme's words were so sincere, and I could see that she meant every word, and I think I do like or maybe even love Jane, and I could tell that Didyme loved me and sulpicia and the smallest percent chance even Athenodora, and I'm sure she was telling the truth, but there was just so much in the way of me loving them back.

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