Set during New Moon, Alice and Bella are rushing against time to save Edward from certain death. But what happens when a certain human gets a little too interested in the strangers that are running through the streets, what if everything happens for...
So here we are guys, we've made it, this is the final chapter I hope you have enjoyed the story just as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Now enjoy the final chapter.
On this chapter I employ to PLEASE COMMENT, this is the final chapter after all. _________ James had now left and was on his way back to England. I was gutted that he had to cut his trip short, due to a crisis he was facing at work, but still I was so happy to have seen him again.
Me and Jane had left James at the airport saying our last goodbyes, James and Jane even shook hands and smiled a goodbye to each other, I think him and Jane are going to get on perfectly.
After leaving the airport me and Jane had made on way back to the castle stopping at bakery on the way, so I could myself something to eat, since I hadn't gotten anything at the café.
As soon as me and Janey made it back to the castle my mothers were quick to welcome us and ask how it had gone. I had told them everything and shown them the bracelet James had given me and told them how it belonged to my mum.
mammina seemed to find the bracelet beautiful and said that it looked gorgeous on me, madre had said that she loved the detail on the piece of jewellery and mamma simply said she loved the thought behind the gift.
After chatting most of the evening away, all three of my amazing mums and "ordered" that I go to bed early since I had a big day coming tomorrow. I had pouted about saying I wasn't a child, but all three of my mothers had said that int their eyes I certainly was.
I was so restless that night I was just really excited for my first birthday with my mums, Jane and all the guard, but thankfully after about twenty minutes of tossing and turning I was finally able to nod off and when I would wake up next I would be sixteen.
Time Skip
"Happy Birthday mia piccola colomba, time to wake up," at first I thought I was dreaming when I heard Jane's soft melodic voice whispering in my ear, but when she started shaking me I knew I wasn't.
When I replayed what she had whispered in my head I busted upright out of my bed. "It's my birthday, ITS MY BIRTHDAY!" I screamed out as I jumped on my bed in excitement, I was now officially sixteen.
I jumped down off the bed and landed by Jane, my hair was all tangled from jumping up and down but I didn't care.
Suddenly, my mums burst into the room, and Mamma comes over to me and tackles me with a hug, along with Madre and Dora. Soon, it becomes a big group hug, falling to the floor in a warm embrace as my mothers wish me a "Happy Birthday baby." I can't help but smile when Dimitri bursts into the room and screams at the top of his voice; "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUUU!!!"
I laugh when he joins in the group hug, and not long after, the Queens are telling me to hurry up and get dressed, urging me to come downstairs and see their 'surprise'.
As they leave, I feel Jane's cold hands covering my eyes, and I feel her guide me to the door of another room, instructing me to trust her. And I do, with all my heart.
"Wait until I count to three, then open your eyes," she tells me, her soft hands coming away from my eyes and resting on my hips. ""
Opening my eyes, with Jane's head resting on my shoulder, I see the most beautiful dress in all of existence.
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