Our Gifts

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I swiftly took the crown off my head and tried to be as careful as I could with it, I then passed the priceless item back to it's owner and took my originally seat next to Jane. My mood had taken an almost drastic change all in less then one minute, Didyme had said her comment, as if I'd be staying here and I definitely had no intention of doing so not even to stay with Jane which just the thought of leaving Jane left an aching feeling in my chest, which once again I just put down to my sudden mood change.

"Now, I believe there is much we have to clear up for you Anastasia," Sulpicia was about to continue with her explaining of vampires and I tried to look as if I was all ears. 

"Well on top of us being the ruling coven we are also the most powerful, this most due to not just our numbers but that most of the guard within our coven have specially powers I guess, gifts we call them." Sulpicia was telling me and I was intrigued to hear that vampires could have special powers I wonder if they have any. 

"Do you guys have any special gifts like what you were saying?" I was genuinely curious to know the answer and if so what could they possibly be. "Yes we do," Athenodora had piped in as Jane stayed quiet at my side.

"So what are they?" I really want to know, "Well mines not much of gift as such but I am the best at battle strategy and planning, so I like to think of it as a gift," Athenodora has started with a proud smile on her face, clearly she enjoyed being so good at strategy, that she thought it to be her gift. 

"my gift, is to make people feel happy and calm when they're sad or just need a boost, but I can also read the bonds that people have with others," Didyme told me, and I actually really liked to the sound of her gift it made people happy, and to have to gifts wow, lucky. I started giggling feeling happy and didyme joined with giggling.

"I have the gift to see every thought you've ever had even the ones that were just a passing thought," "well what am I thinking then?" I interjected before she could finish and, to be honest I felt kind of bad "no, no it doesn't work like that, I have to be in physical contact with the person to see their thoughts, but I am curious when I read young Edward and Alice's thoughts yesterday I couldn't see anything about you, Anastasia it was as if you didn't exist which was quiet strange, I wonder," Sulpicia then extended her hand and I looked at her perplexed, "Mistress Sulpicia maybe you should Ana first before you try reading her thoughts, just so then she knows what your trying to do, my Queen."

Jane had come to my rescue by telling me what Sulpicia was trying to do, "I'm sorry Anastasia dear, may I?" Sulpicia had asked with her hand outstretched to me, I looked to Jane making sure I should, and she nodded her approval, so I did I placed my hand in Sulpicia's and just for a moment or two her face went almost blank and everyone became dead silent.

Sulpicia's eyes snapped open similar to the last time I saw her hold that Edward guys hand, "Very curious," Sulpicia had stated with an inquisitive look plastered on her face. "What is it Cia?' Athenodora and Didyme then both asked in sync, with a slice hint of worry lacing their voices.

Jane was fidgeting next to me and couldn't seem to sit still next to me, I couldn't fathom why every was acting so bizarrely, and to be honest everything still just seemed like a dream, but I had pinched myself several times already today, and never woke up once, so it much be real.

"I can't see anything past Anastasia running in to Alice, the rest of her thoughts from her life are blank," Sulpicia was explaining and to be honest I was relieved, clearly vampires don't have any idea about privacy, my memories are my memories not there's.

"What does that mean?" Jane asked anxiously next to me, why is everyone acting so worried it's not a big deal, well at least not for me, I'm quite happy about the situation to be honest. "I'm not sure Jane," Sulpicia, again spoke, "I may have an idea, but we can discuss it later Cia for now I believe this conversation needs picking back up," Didyme intervened and I was more than happy to oblige, to going back to talking.

well I'm going to leave it here for now guys I hope you all enjoyed, next chapter will be out ver soon, sorry for the bit of a wait. As always make sure to leave a comment and vote, until next time fellow readers.

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