"So now that you know all our gifts, I believe it's now time to share the important part of our talk, don't you?" Athenodora, had now taken over the job of talking, and it was nice to hear a different voice, "I guess so."
"My Queens?" Jane then spoke, facing the Queens, I'm sure asking whether she could continue the conversation, from where Athenodora had left off. All three Queens nodded and Jane turned so she could talk to me better. "Ana, you see what's so important is that we vampires have something called bonds. You see to us vampires there's no meaning to a biological bonds, because we have bonds that are so much stronger, We have familial bonds, friendship bonds and finally our most important bond the mating bond." As I listened to what Jane was saying and watched how her facial expression changed, there seemed to be some many emotions playing on her face all at once, some of these emotions I didn't even know, yet she seemed at least very happy.
"These bonds are stronger than any biological bond, they come from a part of the soul and they're bonds that can never be broken and we, have these bonds with you." Finally Jane had said what I now understand is the important part, but wait they have a bond with me, how I'm human and if so which one, and what even is a mating bond, the word doesn't ring any bells.
"Wait, what how's that possible? I'm human and I've only known you all, barely a day, and which one? And what's a mating bond?" So many questions were racing through my head, that I couldn't stop myself from getting them all out at once, I even felt the need to stand up and pace so I could, at least be doing something as I tried to think.
"Well first, being human doesn't stop you from having the bonds with a vampire, it just means you don't feel the bond as strongly as we do, time doesn't matter, we all knew as soon as we sore you that we each have a bond with you, only mines a different type of bond from my Queens. Secondly I don't believe I should be the one to tell you which bond the Queens' have with you, so my Queens,"
Wait so it doesn't matter that I'm human, and I can't feel the bonds but, wait what I'm so confused. I just placed my hand to my forehead, because I knew I'd have a serious headache later.
"Anastasia, you see we have a familial bond with you, a maternal bond, we see you as a mother would see their child, as soon as I saw you, after you had giggled and I could see the bond between you and me, that's why when the Cullen boy started attacking, and Jane you moved next to her, I could my eyes focussed on you, even though you were stood next to Jane, looked so scared and vulnerable, my instincts were screaming at me to get to you hold you in my arms, to make sure you were safe, just like a mother would if her child was frightened." Didyme had told me that apparently she and the other Queens had a motherly type bond with me, and that's why she grabbed me and held me in the frown room yesterday.
"The same goes for me and Dora, we would have done the exact same only we had to look into your eyes to realise, because we do not possess Didyme's gift of seeing bonds, So when we saw your very tired eyes after, I had read young Alice's thoughts, we knew instantly that we indeed felt the bond of a mother to you, and our only intentions then on were to keep you safe." Sulpicia then spoke.
"Cia's right Anastasia, as soon as we saw you, we immediately dismissed everyone in room because we didn't want to risk any harm to you, the only one who didn't leave was Jane, which I'm sure she's more then excited to tell you the reason as to why."
I just sat there, I sat there in nothing but shock I din't feel like I could say anything, non of this even seemed possible but then again, they are vampires and until now I had only thought, vampires were fiction. I did feel something towards these three women, claiming to have a mother bond with me, but I just couldn't accept it not after what happened, it's to hard to even think about, no I couldn't accept I wouldn't, no to be put through that pain again.

A Volturi Story- Dusk Till Dawn
FanfictionSet during New Moon, Alice and Bella are rushing against time to save Edward from certain death. But what happens when a certain human gets a little too interested in the strangers that are running through the streets, what if everything happens for...