Trying On A Crown

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Hey guys please make sure to comment on this chapter it would really mean a lot.

"Don't worry you haven't lost me yet," I said laughing a little, which caused everyone else to smile fondly at me which I thought was sweat of them, "And I kind of figured that you three were Queens, when I first saw you all sat in what I'm now guessing was the thrown room, plus the crowns and outfits were a big give away." At this everyone in the room chuckling and it was fun to see them act such a way, because when I found they were vampires only 15 minutes ago, I was genuinely scared now, now they don't seem anywhere near what I had originally thought and that was a very good thing.

"Well we are Queens and our dress isn't exactly modern but that's due to the fact that we're much older then we look," Sulpicia had told me with a wink at the end of her sentence. "You can't be that old, plus I quite like how all three of you are dress I wish we could still dress like that, and your crowns are stunning I bet they're heavy to wear?" It was true I absolutely love medieval and victorian clothing I'm a right history lover.

"Oh would you like to try my own?" Didyme had asked me as she gestured to the ruby and gold crown that sat comfortably atop her head, but I really couldn't now matter how instant she looked at me, "I really shouldn't it's yours and it would mess up your hair, plus I'm sure it wouldn't even look nice on me," I had argued but Didyme was having any of it, "Really I insist," And she looked other to Athenodora and Sulpicia who both nodded their heads in agreement, but before I could protest again Didyme had taken the crown off of her head and had already started the very, very short journey towards me and Jane. It seems there's no saying no now.

Didyme came over and immediately placed the tiara in my hands with widest victory smile I had ever seen and soon enough she was back over to her seat and I was left with a beautiful and expensive piece of art in my hands. "Go on try it on please," Didyme had asked and it almost sounded like she was begging and then Jane started "yes Ana try it on I'm sure you'll stunning it," and then Sulpicia and Athenodora just had to pop their two pence in "try it on," they had both said/shouted at me and I knew I really had no choice in the matter, so with shaky hands I placed the ruby incrusted tiara on my head.

I was right it was quite heavy to wear and almost felt like a glancing act, "You look lovely Anastasia," I heard Sulpicia, "it suits you," I then heard the voice of Athenodora state, "you look just like a princess Ana, simply beautiful," Jane had told me in an almost whisper and out of all the comments I had received so far her's had the biggest affect making my cheeks go immediately hot and the color pink, why is it out of all the comments I receive Jane's has the biggest affect on me? "That's because she is a princess, see I told you, you'd stunning in it now come over here so you can have a look," I swear Didyme had whispered something at the start, something about a princess but it could have easily been my ears deceiving me, and I was quickly taken from Jane's lap by the arm and quickly dragged over to a corner of the room by Didyme, that had a mirror in it.

I looked at myself in the mirror and I must admit it did look really pretty on me but I don't think reds my color, and in the corners of the mirror I could see that Jane, Athenodora and Sulpicia and all turned around to see me look at myself in the mirror with Didyme standing next to me. "The perfect princess if I do say so myself, wait till you have your own Anastasia, I'm thinking rose gold for you, to go with you hair." Didyme had said in a high pitch almost squeal as she came closer and gave me a hug which a quickly welcomed and felt just as loving and protective as the last one had received yesterday.

"Wait did you say my own, I could never accept anything like that plus I can't stay for much longer," I had them, my tone becoming confused and serious all at the same time. "Why don't and sat back down next to Jane sweetheart, we've still have much to talk about," Sulpicia had said to me her hand gesturing back to the couch and Jane who looked at me sadly. Her expression broke my heart and really only wanted to go and sit back down so I could be close to her and make sure she was alright. 

Here you guys, I told you the next chapter would be out in 20 minutes I always keep my promises. :)

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