Describing the Queens

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Anastasia's POV,

I woke up to a warm feeling inside, that just made the bed I was sleeping in so much comfortable, to the point where I had no intention of getting up. So I just smiled to myself and closed my eyes slightly tighter, hoping to go back to sleep. Until I felt something on my head, it felt as if someone or something was stroking my hair and it was weird and I mean well weird.

"I think you get up, Sweaty it's already nearly nine." And that's when it hit someone was sat next to me, stroking my hair, and that someone was Jane I can tell you that much. Judging by the tone of voice and the way she was stroking my hair I can deduce, the person is in fact DIdyme.

I'm not going to lie I was a little happy that Didyme was hear waking me up, but I would have preferred Jane and for that matter, where is Jane? "Where's Janey?" I asked in a mumble, I God please don't say I just said what I think I just said, I just called Jane, Janey and I've only known her two days, and I've just given her a nickname of great. It's the sleep talking, ye that's what it is.

The next thing I heard was Didyme giggling, as if what I had just said was remotely funny. I just groaned, grabbed the pillow from under my head, and placed it over my head, in frustration but also, because my cheeks had started to feel hot, and I'm sure, I'm now a certain red shade.

"It's a good thing Jane's not in earshot, because I'm almost certain she would of ran into the room, shouting," Didyme me told me, as I felt her trying to remove the pillow from over my head. I didn't even bother to put up a fight for the pillow, because I was more then sure I would lose.

I let Didyme take the Pillow from my head, and there was no way I was moving my face as well, "Well to answer your question," Jane left a while ago to make sure, some things were ready for today, so you were safe, I suppose," Ah so that's why Jane had left, she wanted to make sure I was, safe in a castle full of vampires, how nice of her, and yes there was sarcasm present in that thought.

"Now come on Anastasia Jane, told we to wake you up and make sure you were ready then to take you down for some breakfast, so time to get up." I so she wants to play the mother role, well I'm not going to let her.

"I'm good, thanks and first of all you don't have to call me Anastasia, Ana's just fine and second of all your not my mother, so just let me sleep." I said trying to make it sound like I meant it was the end of the conversation.

"Okay Ana, if you wanted to play this the hard way, all you had to do was ask," Oh, that didn't sound good. I slowly started to turn my head around sure enough, Didyme was smirking, her ruby lips in a perfect smile, Oh this'll be fun, UH.

I waited a moment and nothing happened, so I took that as a win and turned to my side, to go back to bed. Finally peace and quiet. Suddenly I jolted upright, feeling like an actually ice sculpture and dripping wet, then I turned round absolutely shivering to see Didyme with some sort of jar or jug in her and, seemingly trying to not burst out laughing.

"I said, I'd do it the hard way, and so I did," Didyme sated plainly, looking quite proud of herself. I then scowled at completely unimpressed, this must have tipped over the age, because she started to burst out laughing, but her laugh was actually really cute and suited her.

"Your supposed to be the nice and kind one," I said rather annoyed and crossed my arms. "Your just to cute, and really I don't remember getting a tag or description explaining that," She said innocently, but I'm starting to believe she isn't so innocent.

I started to get out of bed because I was in desperate need, of a very warm shower. "Well you did to me, your the kind and sweet one, Sulpicia's the...." But I didn't get to finish my sentence because then the bedroom door, opened with a gust of wind and then I was cut off, by none other than the very person I was a bout to describe, along with Athenodora by her side.

"I'm what darling? Please do tell, I'm curious," Sulpicia then asked, and was looking like a child who wanted to know the end of a story.

Athenodora was just smirking with one of her hands on hips and Didyme had joined her side, "well Sulpicia," I staled in a direct tone. "Your the know it all, who acts like a child," I said smirking but I couldn't help I just had to laugh, her expression was priceless, she was pouting like a puppy not a Queen.

I doubled over and nearly fell back onto the bed. Clearly I wasn't the only one who founds this funny, because Athenodora looked as if she was trying to hide her laughter and, Didyme was doing anything about trying to hide hers.

"What about me? You have said what I'm like," Athenodora demanded, in her I'm superior to you tone. "You Athenodora, are a real royal pain, who thinks she's better than everyone else, and your very quiet but when you do speak you only shout." I finished, rather happy with my analogy, clearly Athenodora wasn't. She started to walk towards, and I will admit I'm slightly terrified, "you listen here little miss..." But I just had to cut her off, "Athenodora, your just further demonstrating my point," I said quite smug, "Well I can clearly see that Anastasia takes after Dora, can't you Didyme?" Sulpicia started, "Yes Cia, they're the spitting image of each other," Didyme agreed with Sulpicia which only annoyed me.

"We are not!" Me and Athenodora shouted in sync, both of us taking exactly one step closer, to Didyme and Sulpicia. "Like I was saying," Didyme said, her arm outstretched. Me and Athenodora just turned to face each other, both of us looking a little shocked and annoyed.

"Now apologise to each other," Sulpicia demanded, almost coming across as playful. "Fine," me and Athenodora just sighed. "I'm sorry Anastasia I shouldn't have shouted then nor ever, I will try not to in the future, you army little girl anyway."

I, okay that's not the apology I was expecting, but I guess I'll take it. "And I'm sorry Athenodora, I guess it is just your personality, plus it is rather funny when you try to scold me, you remind me of when my mum would have a go....." I stopped myself from finishing that sentence, "what were you saying little one?" Athenodora said hopeful she almost seemed like she was going to start jumping with excitement.

"Nothing," I said quietly there was no way I would ever finish that sentence, I already felt horrible, like I had betrayed my mum. So I just sighed while clutching my left arm, and walking into the bathroom.

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