t h i r t y 𐐪𐑂 n i n e

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I closed my book furiously and threw it to my side before running my hands through my hair, gripping slightly at my roots. My long nails dug into my sensitive skin. By the look of the sun rising outside, I had been reading all night.

"Victor Frankenstein is such a shithead..." I mumbled to myself referring to the worn out copy of Frankenstein that lay next to me in bed, a book I accidentally stole from the school library. I wasn't a big fan of reading but ever since my Uncle gifted me a new pair of beat headphones for Christmas, reading and listening to music was a new favorite combination of mine. Who would've thought? Not I! I hate language arts...

Sadly, my reading obsession didn't hide the fact that my winter break was slowly coming to an end. To my disappointment, instead of having the desired break filled with partying, staying out late with friends and visiting a certain someone I was given house arrest. Although, I was strongly hoping that New Years would be able to compensate for the fun I had lost these past two weeks.

I slid my headphones down to my neck, rubbing my eyes until my eyes teared. I reached for my phone to change my playlist, ignoring how it was only 5 in the morning, when I caught sight of a few unread texts that came through from Sophie, who was enjoying the break for the both of us. I sighed loudly, scrolling through the long paragraphs that gave me every single detail of Sophie's adventures with her new girlfriend, Kya. Kya was some chick who happened to be at the Christmas party Dean hosted over the weekend. Ever since then, Kya infested our messages; at least Sophie seemed happy.

The hand that had held my phone was attached to the same arm where an I.V needle pricked the inside of my elbow. Trailing at the end of the needle was a small tube that connected to the I.V bag hanging from my personal travel stand that shadowed behind me as I would walk around the house. I sent my reaction to Sophie and turned off my phone, taking in the sunrise filling my room. I wonder if Dick's awake?

Just as I looked up at the sky, watching an airplane leave a trail of smoke behind, I realized that my I.V bag was nearly empty, the last few droplets making subtle splashing noises down the thin plastic tube. I threw off my blankets and slipped on my slippers before taking hold of the I.V stand and rolling it by my side, exiting my room.

I know I'm about a year and a half away from my 18th birthday but that didn't mean I had to be treated like a child at all times. What happened to adults wanting young adults to grow up independent? Obviously my uncle never got the memo. As soon as I shut my bedroom door behind me, I heard rustling coming from down the hall. I presumed it was from the living room couch and I guessed right once I saw a tall figure approach me in a rapid manner from the end of the hallway.

"Rory? Why are you up?" Matt's hoarse morning voice echoed off the walls before I could say my good morning to him.

"I need to change my I.V bag" I muttered, trudging towards him in a tired manner, my feet dragging my body weight against the matted rug beneath my slippers.

"Rory, you need to stop over exhausting yourself" Matt whispered as though he thought raising his voice would bring harm to me. I scoffed at him and tried walking past him but he was quick to place his hand on the I.V pole I was clinging onto.

"Let me do it" I heard him grumble from above me. I looked up at him and remained silent, not wanting to argue again. That was the thing about the school breaks.The reason why I'd be out so much was to avoid him. And his constant pestering. And his overprotectiveness. Not to mention his criticism. Ever since I was discharged from the hospital, our disputes only grew worse. And by worse I mean it would end in either one of us in tears or getting noise complaints from our neighbors. One of those fights got me into deep shit. And I mean major shit. I had had enough of my uncle constantly on me like some blood sucking leech that once I ripped that ugly leech off me, blood spilled. Basically, I lashed out on him. Told him to stop treating me like I was his way of redeeming himself from what happened to my mother; that not even my friends, my boyfriend was as clingy as he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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