t h i r t y 𐐪𐑂 f i v e

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"Where's Bruce?" To no one's surprise, Jason asked immediately, coming to the end of his search seeing that his target wasn't anywhere to be seen. He had loosened his grip around the boys neck but still hoisted him above the ground.

"Out," Tim responded to him, "You should leave" He suggested, flicking his rod towards Jason in a threatening manner. The captured boy kept flopping around like a fish out of water.

"That was an order, Jason" Dick countered back while taking closer steps to Jason. Jason's hand dug the gun further into the temple of the boy and we all watched as his thumb landed on the safety, just barely pressing on it.

"It's either Bruce or Damian" Jason howled, stepping closer to Dick. I felt the nausea be replaced by sudden anxiety until I realized Dick is highly trained in taking care of these situations. Hold up. Damian? Damian, where have I heard that before.

"Let's cut this whining short and fight like men" Damian moaned, elbowing Jason. The boy got his wishes of being released but painfully as Jason was quick to lift him high in the air and throw him to the side. Although Damian landed on his side, he was able to stand up on his feet and copy the stance of the others.

This sudden outburst caused Cassandra to throw around her lasso into the air but Dick quickly shut her down.

"Cain, Don't" Dick twirled his rod around his hands until the long metal weapon shrunk into a small version of itself. Jason watched as Dick tried to make the situation less alarming.

"Jason, lower your weapon. Let's talk about this" Dick tried to persuade. Jason's gun never left Dicks direction. If anything, Dick must've provoked Jason as Jason shook his head lightly, smirking while biting the tip of his tongue.

"Talk? You think talking is going to help?" Jason hissed, swinging his arm down, his gun facing the floor but his finger never slipped once from the trigger.

"You know what," Jason said with more persistence in his voice, "you could help me with something else" he concluded, cocking his head to face the computers. Tim's sudden shift in body movement made me connect together that he had known Jason would've tried coming into the bat cave for something.

"Let me into Arkham and I'll be out of your liv-"

"No" Tim cut Jason off, now taking Dicks right side. Jason brought his gun back up and I couldn't help but see I was the only one who flinched out of the group.

"What? You're protecting the clown too?" Jason perked his head, aiming the pistol at Tim. Tim stayed quiet despite Jason questioning him. Jason sighed at Tim's silence and looked at Dick.

"He's got all of you brainwashed," Jason started. It sounded as though he was concerned but that was hard to figure out as he kept wielding his weapon towards the faces of the people in front of him.

"If it was you" Jason spat at Dick, "I would've done something" He whispered, looking down. My lips parted slightly at his confession, my eyes staring at Dick to see his reaction. Dick only stood still, his eyes furrowing at Jason.

"You know how Bruce feels about killing" Dick reminded Jason, Batman's code of conduct flooded my mind and suddenly I couldn't help but pity Jason.

"There's exceptions to that. I should've been an exception" Jason gritted his teeth, his real motives spilling. Dick shook his head, trying to get closer to Jason. Jason only backed off from Dick and began walking slowly towards Damian's direction.

"He collects orphans like they're trading cards and trains them for his own benefit," Jason points to Tim, Cassandra and Dick with his gun before aiming it straight at Damian again.

Lolita 𐐪𐑂 Dick GraysonWhere stories live. Discover now