n i n e t e e n

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"I'll meet you at the car" I told Dick, letting go of his hand as we had now made it outside the restaurant. The diner finished and left me satisfied hearing how much my father and Dick had in common.

"It was great meeting you, Stephan" Dick shook hands with my father one last time who could only nod as a toothpick hung outside his mouth. Dick turned his back to me and a few seconds later the engine of his car revved from behind.

"I guess i'll see you on your way back?" I asked my dad. He spat the toothpick and looked up at me. Being this close I could see his swollen eye bags more clearly.

"I think i'll be staying in Harlem for a while" He groaned digging his shoes into the pavement with his hands inside his worn jeans. He never could take care of himself, especially after mom left. He became a mess.

"Well then... i'll visit you" I awkwardly said, not knowing what to do with my hands and letting them sway. We both went in for a hug but it resulted in us just hugging from the side. It made me, well, sad. I waved goodbye to him and ran to Dicks car where he was bopping his head to the radio.

I let out a heavy sigh and let my self sag into the seat. The adrenaline in me grew slowly, my legs pouncing up and down. It was the nervousness in me.

"Your dad looks like Johnny Deep" I let a laugh throw my nose hearing Dicks comment about my dad. Really? that's what he got out of it. I was about to respond to him but my phone decided to cockblock again. This time it was my uncle calling.

I scrambled to sit up and collect myself. Then I pressed the answer button.


"Where are you?" My uncles voice called out, it seemed he was too close to his speaker as it shrieked in my ear.

"We just got our food, the restaurant kept us waiting for two hours" I lied looking around the car. Suddenly, Dick turned off the car and the chattering of the restaurant could be heard again.

"Two hours? Let me speak to the man-" He began. I pursed my lips getting annoyed at his constant bickering.

"Look, we got the food already I'll be back home late" I muttered making eye contact with Dick. He gave me a playful look and I saw him shift to face me. His index finger and thumb lugged the bottom of my shirt, making my V-neck lower itself.

"Um actually, what if I slept over" I whispered reaching for Dick's fingers, "It's Saturday tomorrow anyways" my hands fumbled with his fingers, pulling them away. His hand aggressively pushed against mine and wrapped themselves around my wrist.

"No" he replied. I stopped playing with Dicks fingers and sighed, my hand pulled away and I put my uncle on speaker phone.

"I'll pass you to Sophie's dad, he drove her here" I told him and then quietly gave the phone over to Dick who only flashed a look of panic for a few seconds before responding in a deeper voice than normal.

"Yes, hello is this Matt?" Dick coughed covering the speaker with his hand. I rose an eyebrow at him, my uncle responded and sure enough Dick ran with the lie smoothly.

"No really, it's no problem" Dick said tapping his fingers against his window. I licked my lips and found a space between his lap and arms. I leaned my head down until I was facing his crouch. I felt a nudge to my head and Dick trying to answer my uncle back.

"Yes, I'll bring her back tomorrow morning" He shuddered feeling me unzip his pants slowly. I unbuttoned his jeans and sank two fingers beneath the hem of his boxers. As they slowly sank beneath his boxers, I could feel the outline of his torso.

"Would you like to say bye?" I heard him from above. I was about to tug on the fabric but I felt the back of my head rise as Dicks hand tugged on my hair. He brought my phone to my mouth, still keeping my head in his hand.

"Rory?" My uncle asked, his voice calmer than ever.

"I'll call you tomorrow morning, thanks" I gasped and hanged up before he could say anything else. Dick let my phone fall into my lap as he released my hair from his fingers. I huffed reaching for my seatbelt as Dick finally turned the car back on, the vehicle now reversing.

"Where are we going now" I asked pulling my fingers away and looking out the window. Dick began biting on the nail of his thumb finger while driving us down the streets, his eyes only giving me quick glances. My jeans began to itch my skin. A shiver ran down my head as I grew more uncomfortable.

I moved around vigorously now feeling my sleeve cling onto my bra. I quickly took off my shoes and pushed one side of my sleeve down my shoulder to rub it wanting to get rid of the itchiness.

The car began to gain up on speed as I pulled down the very thin strap of my white bra. I looked down at my black and white jordans while rubbing my shoulder. When I looked up outside the window and tried to ignore the blank stare Dick was giving me, I saw that we were headed out from town.

I turned and looked at him. I saw the tip of his fingertips dig through his dress pants as if trying to control himself. I only smirked and wiggled my lips around to conceal the look on my face. Once again, I trailed my fingers towards his thigh and rubbed my palm against his shaking hands.

The road in front went black, the moon failing to catch up now behind the car. Dick's foot stepped harder on the gas petal, us now speeding down the empty road.

"Slow down, officer" I whispered in his ears, finding a small piece of his earlobe to nibble on. His smell was so intoxicating, I had to hold onto my breath from urging him to go faster.

My eyes flickered me down to his face as I saw his jaw flex and soften every time I neared his ear. If it hadn't been for the large mansion coming into view, I would've said something more to shake him up.

I realized where he was taking us. It was Bruce Wayne's manor. The unnecessarily large house was the talk of the city, and I now knew why. A running fountain laid itself in the middle of the round drive way, flowers wrapping around it. I'd be lying if I said my mouth wasn't opened right now. It was practically a castle, both sides of the house reaching until the dark musk hid its ends.

It didn't even faze me when Dick turned the engine off and was now walking to my side of the car. I could see various rooms lit by yellow light and then the rest just black squares. It wasn't until Dick had opened my door that I was now coming out my daze. He leaned over and unbuckled my seatbelt for me.

Before I could say anything, his hands dove beneath both my thighs. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and gasped into his chest as he swooped me out the car. His foot shut the door behind him.

I lifted me head off him to be greeted by his sky blue eyes. I smiled slightly and looked away before he could see how red I was becoming. In that moment I saw that I had been barefoot this whole time. He threw me ever so slightly into the air to get a better grip on me. As he carried me past the three small steps, we were now in front a large wooden door with the named Wayne imprinted beneath its peep hole.

Carefully, Dick unlocked the door and opened the door for the both of us. My excitement only grew. We had entered a very small hallway which ended with a large archway that let me see a small glimpse of a large fireplace. To say it was mysterious was a large understatement.

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