Chapter 2: Waking up

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Sophie's POV

We were talking for sooo long that we lost track of time. It was already 1 AM! Well at least I got to catch up with Luke. Turns out Luke still hasn't found his mate yet. He doesn't have a girlfriend either. That surprised me the most. Out of all the things he told me about what's been going on, I expected to hear something about a girl.

I mean not everyone was blind. He's clearly someone who would be taken already. There is no way he could be single. Well, only if he chose to be, but he'd at least date once. Have a girlfriend or something.

He's so hot and if we weren't best friends or friends...I don't know what to call us now. Maybe best friends getting reacquainted with each other? I don't know. I don't even understand half of what I said. Or actually thought more than said.

Whatever, are relationship is unknown for NOW. I'll talk to Luke about it later.We'll probably become best friends again. So anyway what girl would say 'no' to him?

With the exception of girls who are taken or mated...

By the time we finished catching up, I still had no idea where my room was. I was exhausted from all the excitement I had earlier today.

At some point we both drifted off later into the night, or early morning. Whichever you want to call it.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~HOURS LATER (MORNING)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Uhhhh... I don't want to wake up. I feel sleepy...I just want to stay here and never get up. I've never slept this good before. I felt all warm, cozy and relaxed. It's...nice.

I opened my eyes just a bit. I knew I had to wake up sooner or later, even if I didn't want to, but I'd be late for school if I didn't wake up. No one else in the pack would bother to wake me up either.

Wait this isn't my's all bright colored and stuff. Ugh! my eyes are burning. so many bright yellows, oranges and reds.

Huh?! Wait this isn't even the pack house. Where am I?

I think for a few minutes and then it slowly comes back to me. I'm back at my old pack house! I was chatting with Luke. For some odd reason the thought of Luke put a smile to my face. We caught up so I guess we're going to be best friends again.

Wait a minute...wasn't the living room these bright colors? I didn't go into my new room? That's weird.

I was about to rub my eyes and try to get all the grogginess out of me, but when I moved my hand something was holding me back. Actually more like someone. This alarmed me and I was about to growl, but then I take a sniff of the air and I calm down immediately. Okay, that's strange.

I turn my head slightly, just to see who was...hugging me. It was...OMG. My eyes widen in shock and surprise.

It was Luke. He was hugging me and I actually liked it. And why is he hugging me in the first place?

Then the thought just occurred to me. Did we fall asleep on the couch?

Okay this is going to be awkward when he wakes up...hmmmm....I want to avoid any awkward situations as much as possible. So how can I make this seem not awkward?

Oh I know! Nothing a lil more awkwardness won't fix!

"Hey sweetie, wakey wakey!" I shout whisper in his ear.

He sighs and opens his eyes immediately. Whoa that was a quick reaction.

Luke's mouth makes a huge smile, but quickly turns upside down.

Then he suddenly lets go of me. Releasing me from his bear hug and dropping me off the couch and into the cold wooden floor. He stares at me in horror. The second I see his horror stricken face I'm shocked.

Seeing his face like that makes me feel hurt, but knowing that I was the reason pained me like a thousand bees stinging me vigorously. He doesn't even seem to notice my pain and just walked past me. What the heck is wrong with him? And why the hell am I feeling like a bitch who just found out her mate screwed a slut!? 

Maybe I'm being just over dramatic...


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