Pretty lawyer 2

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Nearly 8k words of pure fluff, smut and insanity.
Not edited. Enjoy.


"Good job today everyone. Make sure to rest once you get home." Tae smiled gently at his coworkers, receiving kind words and smiles as response.

It was currently 8pm, and he was locking the door of his office when his phone dinged. He grabbed it, unlocking it to be met with a photo he took of jeongguk.

It was taken on a Sunday morning, they were naked although in the photo you can only see till jeongguk's chest. Taehyung had giggled and ruffled Jeongguk's hair before taking the picture, that shows exactly a bed haired jeongguk, smiling tenderly not at the camera but at Taehyung, hands intertwined next to his chest. Jeongguk looked so so beautiful, so natural and in peace.

However, Taehyung's smile quickly vanished when he saw he had two missed calls from Namjoon. He immediately called back, knowing that something happened, mostly with jeongguk.


"Hey hyung. What happened? Is Jeongguk ok?" Taehyung asked hurriedly, already walking towards the elevator.

"He had a bad day Tae." Taehyung knew very well the meaning of those words.

"I'll be quick." He said bye and clicked on the button of the elevator, wanting the doors to close quickly. They were really really about to when someone stopped it from happening.

"Oh hi Taehyung-ssi!" Park Jihoon, one of Taehyung's assistants smiled at him. Tae smiled politely back, but his mind was far from the conversation. "Are you going home?" Tae simply nodded, inside just wishing the stupid elevator got down quicker. The music was annoying him so much. "I was thinking.. if you'd like to go grab some food, maybe have dinner before leaving." Tae sighed. This definitely was not the first time Jihoon asked on a subtly date, and he believes it won't be the last. He has been trying to court Taehyung for months already, and Tae simply makes up excuses, even though he already directly told Jihoon he had someone in his heart, and wouldn't ever leave.

But jihoon is just persistent. Taehyung feels bad for breaking his heart everytime, but he considers Jihoon as a friend only.

"Im sorry Jihoon, I really need to go home." Tae said with a smile, trying to appease the situation, so he wouldn't take it to heart.

"Oh.. then maybe tomorrow? We can have breakfast together." Thats a direct no. Taehyung absolutely loves his peaceful mornings with his boyfriend, but again, his soft self didn't want to be harsh to the young hopeful male that was looking- i mean shameless staring at Tae.

"I'll see what I can do." Tae said, and as soon as the elevator doors opened he bashed out of it, waving a careless goodbye at the male before leaving on his white Mercedes.

He didn't saw the frown in Jihoon's face. His angry eyes and closed fists, but right now he couldn't care less about him.

All he had in mind was jeongguk jeongguk jeongguk. Five minutes later, maybe with a slight overspeeding, he arrived to their mansion. He quickly got in, and the first thing he saw did not please him at all.

Jimin was taking care of Hoseok's leg, that was wrapped in a red bloody bandage.

"What the hell happened here.." Tae frowned, eyes frenetically looking around for his lover.

"The South gang sabotaged our drug shipment." Jin said, coming out of the kitchen with an ice pack to put on Namjoon's black eye.

"I have no idea how those fuckers found out. We should have end them sooner." Yoongi growled, absolutely mad one of his lovers got hurt.

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