Best friend ll

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  For days now Taehyung has been concentrated in creating a lyrics that expressed all he was feeling for his best friend. He wanted to put all his all his hidden feelings and purest emotions in that song.

He wanted Jeongguk to feel every word.

He was almost finishing actually, but he was really nervous, it was his first self composed music, plus it was in english.

Taehyung was now currently sitting on the music classroom, listening to lost stars, covered by Jeongguk.

Yes, he had a whole playlist with only gguk's covers and songs. Jeongguk made it for him two years ago, when Taehyung wasn't being able to sleep due to nightmares, and that was honestly his savior, like a cure to his bad dreams, and until today he listens to it to fall asleep. It's like falling asleep listening to an angel whispering melodies in his ear so gently.

"... in the night" Tae mumbled, writing the final verse. He smiled and looked at the page, he was proud of himself, now he could only hope Gguk liked it.

Tae closed his notebook and then his eyes, listening to Jeongguk's sweet and peaceful voice.

Some minutes after he felt a presence behind him. Their hands caged Taehyung from behind, placing themselves on each side of the table.

Taehyung smiled, recognizing those big and warm hands he loved to hold onto and that held him multiple times. He leaned his head behind until it hit the man's defined abdomen, and looked up with a knowing smile.

"Hi there." Jeongguk half smirked half smiled, looking down at Taehyung.

"Hi." Taehyung replied, comfortably looking at Jeongguk's eyes.

"My practice starts in ten."

"I know." Taehyung said softly. He knew jeongguk's time practices by heart. He never missed one of them.

"I was looking for you. Can't go without my lucky charm now can I?" Jeongguk smiled cheekily, and Taehyung chuckled while shaking his head.

"Absolutely not." Taehyung eye smiled.

Taehyung got up and quickly packed his things before walk out besides Jeongguk.

"What were you doing?" Jeongguk asked curious.

"You'll find out soon." Taehyung answered softly, playing with the paws of his shirt cutely.

"Alright." Jeongguk ruffled Taehyung's hair playfully, receiving a whine from his best friend who pouted. While they were walking Taehyung "discreetly" stole glances at the taller male, more like stared at him with admiration and care.
He liked how Jeongguk handled the things, with no discussion or fights, he respected the others decisions, and waited.

He waited because he knew Taehyung would tell him when the time comes. They trust each other unconditionally, and Taehyung knew whatever happened, Jeongguk would never let their friendship get ruined. That relieved him a lot.

He felt Jeongguk's arm slide by his neck and pulling him against his strong body. He looked slightly up at Jeongguk who was smiling at him and snuggled more against his side, looking down with a cute blush and a shy smile.

They arrived to the field, and Taehyung quickly spotted jin and adora.

"Hi guys!" Taehyung greeted, and sat down on the bench, looking up at Jeongguk who was putting his helmet on.

"Play well yes?" Taehyung asked.

"As long as you're here." Jeongguk answered sending him a playful wink. Taehyung rolled his eyes but a predominant smile adorned his rosy face. He looked up and could see Jeongguk staring at him with such sparkly eyes that not even the helmet could hide it.

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